International Journal of Islamic Thought

e-ISSN 2289-6023 |  ISSN 2232-1314

Vol. 2, Dec 2012
The Incompatibility of the Vision of God as a Basis of Factual Belief from Philosophical Perspective
Indriaty Ismail
Page 1-11 | Full Article
Cultural Socialization and Its Relation to the Attitude of Religious Tolerance among Muslim and Buddhist Students in Prince of Songkhla University
Mutsalem Khareng & Jaffary Awang
Page 12-22 | Full Article
Transformasi Pemikiran Pembaharuan dan Modenisme di Malaysia: Satu Penelitian Awal
Transformation of Renewal Thought and Modernism in Malaysia: a Preliminary Study
Kamarudin Salleh
Page 23-37 | Full Article
Al-Qarinah: antara Kekuatan dan Keperluan dalam Mensabitkan Kesalahan Jenayah (Zina)
Al-Qarinah: Between the Strength and Requirements to Convict Crime (Adultery)
Lukman Abdul Mutalib & Wan Abdul Fattah Wan Ismail
Page 38-54 | Full Article
Pembentukan Tasawur dan Kesan terhadap Pembangunan Tradisi Keilmuan Islam
The Formation of  Islamic Worldview and Its Impact on the Tradition of Islamic Knowledge
Mohd Shukri Hanapi
Page 55-61 | Full Article
Analisis Konsep Abrahamic Faiths dan Kaitannya dengan Pluralisme Agama
Analysis of the Concept of Abrahamic Faiths and Its Relation to Religious Pluralism
Suhaida Shaharud-Din & Khadijah Mohd Khambali @ Hambali
Page 62-68 | Full Article
Dialogue of Life and Its Significance in Inter-Religious Relation in Malaysia
Suraya Sintang, Azizan Baharuddin & Khadijah Mohd Khambali @ Hambali
Page 69-79 | Full Article
Hak Asasi Manusia (Human Rights) dalam Menangani Krisis Alam Sekitar: Perspektif Seyyed Hossein Nasr
Human Rights in Dealing with the Environmental Crisis: Seyyed Hossein Nasr’s Perspective
Zul`Azmi Yaakob & Zailan Moris
Page 80-90 | Full Article

التناص القرآني في شعر النقائض الأموية

The Quranic Intertextuality in the Poetry of Opposites Umayyad
Ahmed R. A. Rawajbeh, Tengku Ghani Tengku Jusoh, Md. Nor Abdullah & Zulkarnain Mohamed
Page 91-101 | Full Article

أثر القرآن الكريم في أدب النصارى من أدباء المهجر (جبران خليل جبران، إيليا أبو ماضي، رشيد سليم الخوري)

The Impact of the Quran in the Literature of Christian Diaspora Writers
Walid F.T Shehada, Tengku Ghani Tg. Jusoh & Maheram Ahmad

Page 102-109 | Full Article
Book Review: The Arab Awakening: Islam and the New Middle East, Tariq Ramadan, 2012, London: Allen Lane, pages: 273
Wan Fariza Alyati Wan Zakaria
Page 110-112 | Full Article

Cover of the Issue

Vol. 2, Dec 2012

ِAbout the IJIT

Editor in Chief

Professor Dr. Ahmad Sunawari Long

Member of


IJIT in Brief

An international journal in Islamic thought and Muslim issues.
Reviewed by double-blind reviewers.
Published annually in June and December.
Adhering to the COPE’s Code of Conduct.
Using APA format of writing.
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International Journal of Islamic Thought by International Society of Muslim Philosophers and Theologians is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License based on a work at International Journal of Islamic Thought permissions beyond the scope of this license is available at COPYRIGHT.

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Department of Theology and Philosophy

Faculty of Islamic Studies

Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia

(the National University of Malaysia)
43600 Bangi, Selangor


International Society of Muslim Philosophers and Theologians (ISOMPT)
c/o Centre for Akidah and Global Peace
Faculty of Islamic Studies
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (the National University of Malaysia)
43600 Bangi, Selangor