International Journal of Islamic Thought

e-ISSN 2289-6023 |  ISSN 2232-1314

Vol. 20, Dec 2021
Fiqh Minority for Papuan Muslims in the Perspective of Maqasid al-Shari`ah
Abdurrohman Kasdi, Mohammad Wahib, Umma Farida, & Khamami Zada
Page 1-12 | Full Article
Buddhist and Muslim Interaction in the Post-War of Sri Lanka
Ahamed Sarjoon Razick, Iqbal Saujan &Seyyath Mohammed Hakeema Beevi
Page 13-24 | Full Article
Moral Reasoning Theory: Between Kohlberg ‘s and al-Ghazali’s Perspective 
Fariza Md Sham, Ainul Yaqin & Hajar Nurma Wachidah
Page 25-33 | Full Article
Autoriti Sanad Tarekat dan Peranannya dalam Ilmu Tasawuf
The Authority of Chain of Transmission and Its Role in Sufism
Faudzinaim Badaruddin & Muhammad Khairi Mahyuddin
Page 34-44 | Full Article
Pengembangan Kerukunan Masyarakat Multikultural Melalui Pendekatan Agama
Developing Multicultural Society via Religious Approach
Harjoni Desky & Syamsul Rijal
Page 45-52 | Full Article
Revisiting the Concept of Waqf: Its Maintenance, Issues and Challenges
Hayatullah Laluddin, Sayed Sikandar Shah Haneef, Mohammad Tahir Sabit Haji Mohammad & Maya Puspa Binti Rahman
Page 53-64 | Full Article
Al-Ghazali’s Ma’rifah and Mahabbah’s Relations
Mansoureh Ebrahimi, Ahmadali Gholami& Kamaruzaman Yusoff
Page 65-76 | Full Article
Perspektif Islam dan Sains Verterinar terhadap Pemandulan Kucing
Islamic and Veterinary Perspective Science on Cat Castration
Mohd Izhar Ariff Mohd Kashim, Nur Asmadayana Hasim & Loqman Mohamad Yusof
Page 77-86 | Full Article
A Development of Islamic E-Commerce Ethics Model
Nor Hapiza Mohd Ariffin
Page 87-94 | Full Article
Understanding the Issues of Waqf at Public University: Preliminary Findings
Norlaila Mazura Hj. Mohaiyadin & Aini Aman
Page 95-108 | Full Article
Critical Evaluation of the Contemporary Scholars’ Fatwas on Substitution of Gold Dinar for Banknotes
Olorogun, L.A & Akhtarzaite Abdul Aziz
Page 109-119 | Full Article
Application of Design Thinking for Quranic Exegesis
Ramadan Aliti
Page 120-125 | Full Article
The Role of Effective Governance in Determining the Relationship Between Muslims’ Religiosity and Their Income
Sidrah Khalil & Hoda Mansour
Page 126-137 | Full Article
Islam, Muslim and Anthropology
Sumanto Al-Qurtuby
Page 138-155 | Full Article
Motivational Factors of Muslim Rape Offenders in Sungai Udang Prison, Melaka, Malaysia
Zaizul Ab Rahman
Page 156-165 | Full Article

Cover of the Issue

Vol. 20, Dec 2021

ِAbout the IJIT

Editor in Chief

Professor Dr. Ahmad Sunawari Long

Member of


IJIT in Brief

An international journal in Islamic thought and Muslim issues.
Reviewed by double-blind reviewers.
Published annually in June and December.
Adhering to the COPE’s Code of Conduct.
Using APA format of writing.
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International Journal of Islamic Thought by International Society of Muslim Philosophers and Theologians is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License based on a work at International Journal of Islamic Thought permissions beyond the scope of this license is available at COPYRIGHT.

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Department of Theology and Philosophy

Faculty of Islamic Studies

Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia

(the National University of Malaysia)
43600 Bangi, Selangor


International Society of Muslim Philosophers and Theologians (ISOMPT)
c/o Centre for Akidah and Global Peace
Faculty of Islamic Studies
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (the National University of Malaysia)
43600 Bangi, Selangor