International Journal of Islamic Thought

e-ISSN 2289-6023 |  ISSN 2232-1314

Vol. 3, June 2013
Penilaian Guru Terhadap Pelaksanaan Model-model Tilawah al-Quran Program j-QAF
Teachers Evaluation on the Implementation of j-QAF Quranic Recitation Models  
Ab. Halim Tamuri, Ahmad Munawar Ismail, Amal Hayati Md. Noor & Mohd Izzuddin Mohd Pisol
Page 1 | Full Article
Pandangan Pakar Terhadap Penentu Pemilihan Bank Menurut Muslim Ideal: Perspektif Intrinsik
Expert’s Views on the Bank Choice Determinants according to the Ideal Muslims: Intrinsic Perpective
Ahmad Azrin Adnan
Page 18 | Full Article
Titik Temu Antara Falsafah dan Kehidupan Praktis
Meeting Point between Philosophy and Practical Life
Idris Zakaria & Ahmad Sunawari Long
Page 37 | Full Article
Muslim Politics in Malaysia and the Democratization Process
Lukman Thaib
Page 45 | Full Article
Peringkat Pemikiran Imam al-Ash’ari dalam Akidah
Stages of Imam al-Ash’ari Thought in Theology
Muhammad Rashidi Wahab & Syed Hadzrullathfi Syed Omar
Page 58 | Full Article
Kesahan dan Kebolehpercayaan Instrumen Penghayatan Akidah
Validity and Reliability of the Religious Belief Instrument
Norsaleha Mohd. Salleh, Ab. Halim Tamuri & Salleh Amat
Page 71 | Full Article
Religious Tolerance in Malaysia: Problems and Challenges
Nur Farhana Abdul Rahman & Khadijah Mohd Khambali @ Hambali
Page 81 | Full Article
Revisiting the Life and Thought of Dr. Burhanuddin al-Helmy
Suzy Aziziyana Saili & Khairulnizam Mat Karim
Page 92 | Full Article
Mahdi Elmandjra and the Future of the Muslim World
Wan Fariza Alyati Wan Zakaria
Page 100 | Full Article
Martydrom of al-Hallaj & unity of the Existence: the Condemners and the Commenders
Yusri Mohamad Ramli
Page 106 | Full Article

نماذج من جناس الاشتقاق في القرآن الكريم

Models of Alliteration Derivation in the Quran
Jamil H. A. Ayyash, Salmah Ahmad & Md. Nor Abdullah
Page 113 | Full Article

Cover of the Issue

Vol. 3, June 2013

ِAbout the IJIT

Editor in Chief

Professor Dr. Ahmad Sunawari Long

Member of


IJIT in Brief

An international journal in Islamic thought and Muslim issues.
Reviewed by double-blind reviewers.
Published annually in June and December.
Adhering to the COPE’s Code of Conduct.
Using APA format of writing.
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International Journal of Islamic Thought by International Society of Muslim Philosophers and Theologians is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License based on a work at International Journal of Islamic Thought permissions beyond the scope of this license is available at COPYRIGHT.

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Department of Theology and Philosophy

Faculty of Islamic Studies

Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia

(the National University of Malaysia)
43600 Bangi, Selangor


International Society of Muslim Philosophers and Theologians (ISOMPT)
c/o Centre for Akidah and Global Peace
Faculty of Islamic Studies
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (the National University of Malaysia)
43600 Bangi, Selangor