IJRAH - International Journal of Religion, Arts and Humanities

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Current Issue: Volume 1, December 2022

حركة الاستنارة في الفكر النهضوي (عبد الوهاب المسيري أنموذجا)

The Enlightenment Movement in Renaissance Thought (Abdul Wahhab Al-Messiri as A Model)
Abdul Rahman Mahmood, Fatimah Muhammad Abdullah Lamloum, Nur Izzati Hashim
Page: 1-13

Kiasan Simbolik Karakter Isteri dengan 10 Haiwan dalam Teks Nasihat al-Muluk dan Taj al-Muluk
Symbolic Allegory of the Character of the Wife with 10 Animals in the Nasihat al-Muluk and Taj al-Muluk Texts
Yusri Mohamad Ramli
Page: 14-27

Cabaran dan Impak Pembelajaran dalam Talian kepada Mahasiswa Pengajian Islam UKM Semasa Pandemik Covid-19
Challenges and impacts of Online Learning on the UKM Islamic Studies Students During the Covid-19 Pandemic
Nur Farhana Abdul Rahman & Nurul Jannah Rosli
Page: 28-43

دور العقل في فهم الوحي وتأويله عند ابن رشد الحفيد

The Role of ‘Aql in Understanding Revelation and Its Interpretation According to Ibn Rushd al-Hafid
Yousif Mousa Ali Abdalla Abualyqa & Ahmad Yunus Mohd Noor
Page: 44-57

Konsep Etika Bisnis Islam dan Protestan untuk Mewujudkan Kesejahteraan Umat (Komparasi Perspektif Umer Chapra dan Max Weber)
The Islamic Business Ethics Concept and Protestantism for Creating Human Well-being (A Comparison between Umer Chapra and Max Weber’s Perspectives)
Hasse Jubba, Aqidah Halimatus Sa’adah, Muhammad Noor, Febrianza Arifianto
Page: 58-73

Cabaran Ibu Bapa Mengurus Anak Kurang Upaya: Sorotan Literatur
Challenges of Parents in Managing Children with Disabilities: Literature Highlights
Nur Syibrah Hanani Sobri, Nozira Salleh & Kamaruddin Salleh
Page: 74-84

Kaedah Manhaj Tarbiyah Rabi’ah Al-‘Adawiyyah Dalam Menangani Masalah Kemurungan ketika Pandemik COVID-19
Manhaj Tarbiyah Rabi’ah Al-‘Adawiyyah’s Method in Dealing with the Problem of Depression during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Nur Izzati Ahmad & Ab Rahman, Z.
Page: 85-98

Pemikiran Islam (Allahyarham) Tan Sri Dato’ Seri (Dr.) Haji Harussani Bin Haji Zakaria
Islamic thinking of Tan Sri Dato’ Seri (Dr) Haji Harussani bin Haji Zakaria
Kamarudin Salleh & Nurul Athirah Mohamad Anuar
Page: 99-116

مسألة تشريع البرلمان لما يخالف الشريعة: دراسة وصفية نقدية

The Issue of Parliament’s Legislation that Contradicts the Sharia: A Descriptive and Critical Studies
Amru Walid
Page: 117-140

Hak Dan Kedudukan Wanita Dalam Islam: Tumpuan Pada Konsep Kesamarataan Gender
The Right and Position of Women in Islam: Focus on The Concept of Gender Equality
Nur Amiera Adzreen Mohd Azahar & Nur Farhana Abdul Rahman
Page: 141-153 

Editor in Chief
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ahmad Yunus Mohd Noor

Cover of the Issue
Vol. 1, December 2022