IMEN is one of the research centers of excellence in UKM, with a yearly performance that modestly surpasses the university’s expectations. On top of the MOSTI’s and TM-R&D Sdn Bhd grants more than RM 40 Million readily available upon IMEN’s establishment. IMEN has since then obtained and spent total research grants amounting to over RM 10 Million from the MOHET.
Since the institute’s establishment in 2002, We actively pursue making Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia a national brand name in research on microelectronics and nanotechnology. Our strength is IMEN’s principal fellows who are widely recognized and highly respected in Malaysia for their individual expertise positioning the institute as a prominent option for students who wish to pursue postgraduate studies in MEMS/NEMS technology, nanoelectronics and nanotechnology. Research students are an essential part of the institute. Currently, the institute has 21 full time academic staff and 52 postgraduate students. Since 2003, the numbers of postgraduates produced by IMEN are 35 PhD and 44 MSc.
The institute has acquired several patent rights for its works on MEMS, photonics and Lab on Chip respectively and 11 pending patents. IMEN’s researchers are actively producing articles in indexed journals and proceedings with a total of more than 1700 ISI indexed articles published from 2003-2018.
In 2011, Imen has been chosen as one of centre of excellent of Malaysia Nanotechnology. To date, the institute has forged research collaborations with 13 institutions including Inter-University Semiconductor Research Center of Seoul National University, Kyungpook National University Korea, Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia, Kyoto University, Japan and National University of Singapore. At national level, IMEN has formed collaborations with Telekom R&D and MIMOS Berhad. Since 2007, IMEN has yearly joint seminars with Inter-University Semiconductor Research Center of Seoul National University and Kyungpook National University called the Malaysia-Korea Nanotechnology Joint Workshop, and with Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia called the IMEN-LIPI Joint Seminar on Nanotechnology.
IMEN researchers persistently seek to develop enabling technologies and systems for strategic applications. Through research work IMEN continues to harness the benefits of microtechnology that can promise a better life. IMEN’s objective is focused on building new ideas and technology, and developing knowledge that contribute to technological advancement of Malaysia. The institute’s achievement and development are results from the commitment and hard work of its members and support by UKM.