Institut Biologi Sistem

 Institute of Systems Biology

  • Transcriptomics: Functional Insights Made Easy

    Date : 17 - 19 June 2025

    Venue : Hybrid (On-site / Online)

    Speaker : Associate Prof. Dr. Goh Hoe Han

Workshop Outline

This 3-day hybrid workshop will focus on topics ranging from basic experimental design to advanced downstream analyses of mRNA-seq data as well as tips to publish in high-impact journals.

Hands-on training from RNA-seq data to publication figures / tables without UNIX / Python / R scripts.

Upon the completion of this 3-day hybrid workshop, participants will be capable of the following:

  • Conceptualising a transcriptome experiment with different considerations
  • Understanding a complete workflow of mRNA-seq data acquisition, processing, assembly, functional annotation, analysis, and interpretation
  • Aware of the different analysis workflows and software packages in RNA-seq analysis
  • Competent in submitting RNA-seq related files to the NCBI public repository
  • Exposure to different approaches for integrating transcriptomics with other omics towards systems understanding
  • Network opportunities with other researchers in the field & sharing of knowledge via voluntary flash talks
  • Walk-through on de novo transcriptomic analysis and mining RNA-seq data
  • Hands-on in downstream functional analyses: DEG, WEGO, KEGG pathway, clustering, functional enrichment using Excel, Perseus, ExpressAnalyst, and other web-based tools.
  • Producing publication-standard result figures

Workshop Highlights

  1. Principles of transcriptomics
  2. Experimental design & considerations
  3. Technical talks from reputable local companies on the latest developments in the field
  4. Comprehensive topics, including single-cell RNA-seq, spatialomicsSTOmics, etc.
  5. Complete workflow of transcriptomic analysis
  6. Functional annotation & enrichment analysis
  7. Biologist-friendly approach to downstream omics analyses using PerseusExpressAnalyst, and web-based tools
  8. Data submission to NCBI public repository
  9. Tips for publishing transcriptomics journal article
  10. Workshop materials video recordings will be available for access after the workshop
  11. Global participants with opportunities of consultation or sharing via flash talks
  12. ​Certificate of participation

Why you should attend?

  • You're a researcher, academician, or student interested in transcriptomics and its applications.

  • You're interested in advanced skills in RNA-seq analysis.

  • You want user-friendly platforms for the interpretation of RNA-seq data.

  • You got the transcriptome results from the sequencing vendor but not sure how to interpret them.

  • You wish to analyse the transcriptome data hands-on, especially as a biologist instead of a data scientist.

  • You want to learn on how to mine for biological knowledge from transcriptome data without programming/coding.

  • You work on a transcriptomic project and want to learn on how to publish your results as a high-impact journal article.

This workshop is opened to local & international participants, from beginner to advanced researchers in molecular biology / omics. The content of this workshop is transferable to other omics studies such as proteomics.


Rate Per Person / Mode




RM 900

USD 220

RM 400

USD 100

Group of 3

RM 750

USD 180

RM 300

USD 80

Speaker Biography

  • Associate Professor Dr. Goh Hoe Han is a plant molecular biologist who obtained his PhD from the University of Sheffield, United Kingdom in 2011 before starting his first acedemic position at the Institute of Systems Biology, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. Upon joining INBIOSIS, he pioneered the Plant Functional Genomics Research Group focusing on the molecular exploration of tropical plants and crop improvement using functional genomics approaches. Some of the tropical plant species include kesum, ketum, Rafflesia, and Nepenthes pitcher plants, as well as important crops, such as mangosteen, papaya, rice, tomato, and oil palm. Fundamental understandings on the molecular aspects of these plants are crucial for their bioprospecting, industrial application, and crop improvement.

  • Dr Goh is keen on industrial collaboration in precision biotechnology for tropical plant improvement and also the commercialisation of novel recombinant plant enzymes. If you are interested to collaborate or be part of the plant functional genomics group, please email to


17th June 2025 (Tuesday)

Time Activity
8.30 am Registration
9.00 am Introduction
9.10 am Lecture 1: Principles of transcriptomics
10.30 am Morning break
11.00 am Lecture 2: A crash course on RNA-seq analysis
12.30 pm Technical Talk 1 : Current developments of NGS 
1.00 pm Lunch break
2.00 pm Practical 1 : Perseus for data pre-processing/exploration
4.00 pm Afternoon break
4.15 pm Participant flash talks, summary, discussions, and wrap-up
5.00 pm END OF DAY 1


18th June 2025 (Wednesday)

Time Activity
9.00 am Introduction to Day 2 & Recap
9.10 am Lecture 3: Exploring RNA-seq analysis for biological discovery (Functional Annotation & Downstream Analyses)
10.30 am Morning break
10.45 am Practical 2: DEG Analysis
12.30 pm Technical Talk 2 : Advanced RNA-seq
1.00 pm Lunch break
2.00 pm Practical 3: Advanced statistical analysis
4.o0 pm Afternoon break
4.15 pm Participant flash talks, summary, discussions, and wrap-up
5.00 pm END OF DAY 2

19th June 2025 (Thursday)

Time Activity
9.00 am Introduction to Day 3 & Recap
9.10 am Lecture 4 : RNA-seq downstream analyses
10.30 am Morning break
10.45 am Practical 4 : Cluster analysis and visualisation
12.30 pm Technical talk 3 – Applications of RNA-seq 
1.00 pm Lunch break
2.00 pm Practical 5: Functional enrichment analysis
4.00 pm Afternoon break
4.15 pm Summary, discussions, and conclusion


Centre of Omics Data Analysis (CODA)

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