Institut Biologi Sistem

 Institute of Systems Biology

  • Quest 3+ System, Registration of Pharmaceutical / Nutraceutical Products & Cosmetic Notification

    Date : 27-28 June 2022

    Venue : Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) | Hybrid (Webex)

    Fees :

    RM300 per person or RM800 per group of three - Online (limited to 100 seats)

Workshop Outline

This workshop is held for the purpose of increasing participants' understanding on the registration procedures for drugs, traditional medicines, health supplements, as well as cosmetic products notification among industry experts and researchers. With this training course, the industry and researchers can improve knowledge and expand exposure to the methods of product registration and cosmetic notification in the NPRA. This course is also open to those interested in gaining more knowledge in product registrations and cosmetic notification. However, it is not a course for recognition as a consultant under the Ministry of Health Malaysia.

Benefits of attending this workshop:


On-site Participants

Online Participants

Hands-on training guided by NPRA experts

Handbook (printed & softcopy)

Certificate (printed / softcopy)

Foods and beverages

Souvenirs & Goodie bag

Who should attend

  • Regulatory Affairs Executive
  • Product Development Executive
  • Academician
  • Cosmetic Business Operator
  • Anyone who wanted to update their knowledge on MOH legal requirements/guidelines and licensing

Keynote Speakers

Professor Dato' Dr. Ibrahim Jantan

PhD (University of Malaya)
MSc (University of Minnesota)
BPharm. Hons (University of Mansoura)

Institute of Systems Biology (INBIOSIS), Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia

Professor Dr. Jamia Azdina Jamal

PhD (King's College London)
MSc (King's College London)
BPharm. Hons (University of Nottingham)

Faculty of Pharmacy, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia

NPRA Trainers

Mr. Kobu Thiruvanackan
Senior Principal Asistant Director, NPRA (Head of ICT Section)

Mr. Mohd Ghazali Ismail
Senior Principal Asistant Director, NPRA (ICT Section)

Ms. Wong Chui Shan
Senior Principal Asistant Director, NPRA (New Drug Product Section)

Ms. Laila Nadrah Mohd Zaki
Senior Principal Asistant Director, NPRA (Generic Medicines Section)

Ms. Teh Pei Pei
Senior Principal Asistant Director, NPRA (Cosmetics Section)

Ms. Annie Toh Jia Yuin
Principal Asistant Director, NPRA (Complementary & Alternative Medicines Section)

Ms. Siti Khuzaimah Maarof
Senior Asistant Director, NPRA (Complementary & Alternative Medicines Section)


Venue: Convention Room, Kolej Keris Mas, UKM Bangi | Webex Online Platform

27th June 2022 (Monday)

Time Activity Trainer
8.30 am Registration -
9.00 am Opening ceremony and introduction Prof. Dr. Zeti Azura Mohamed Hussein (Director of INBIOSIS)
9.05 am Opening speech Dr. Roshayati Mohamad
Sani (Director of NPRA)
9.10 am Keynote speaker 1 : Quality Control of Raw Materials for Herbal Product Manufacturing Prof. Dr. Jamia Azdina Jamal (UKM)
10.10 am Photography session and tea break -
10.40 am Session 1 :  Quest 3+ System Mr. Kobu A/L Thiruvanackan & Mr. Mohd Ghazali Ismail (NPRA)
1.00 pm Lunch break -
2.00 pm Session 2 : New Drug and Generic Product Registration Ms. Wong Chui Shan & Ms. Laila Nadrah Mohd Zaki (NPRA)
5.00 pm Afternoon break -
5.15 pm END OF DAY 1


28th June 2022 (Tuesday)

Time Activity Trainer
8.30 am Registration -
9.00 am Keynote speaker 2 : The changing landscape of natural products research to search for new single entity pharmaceutical ingredients and development of multicomponent botanical products Prof. Dato’ Dr. Ibrahim Jantan (UKM)
10.00 am Tea break -
11.00 am Session 3 : Cosmetic Product Notification Ms. Teh Pei Pei (NPRA)
1.00 pm Lunch break -
2.00 pm Session 4 : Traditional Medicine and Health Supplement Product Registration Ms. Annie Toh Jia Yuin & Ms. Siti Khuzaimah binti Maarof (NPRA)
4.45 pm Closing ceremony and afternoon break Prof. Dr. Zeti Azura Mohamed Hussein
5.00 pm END OF DAY 2

Register now or contact us for more details