Teaching, Training – Administrations
International Organisations, Administrations & Associations (1 IPs)
Education & Training (16 IPs)
- JetPTM
- Automated Document Analyser for Screening of Journal Articles
- Second Language Instruction Management System (SLIM®)
- Web- Based Metacognitive Learning Strategies Courseware (METAKU®)
- Geo-V: A Learning Kit for Geometry Topic
- IELLS – Intelligent English Language Literacy System
- IQ-Write Program Module for Academic Writing
- Writing Module
- MudahKiuTM
- Multimedia in Education Package to MotivateLiteracy (MELTM)
- History Multimedia Interactive Educational Game (HMIEGTM)
- MyEdu-Tale
- MyJawi Game: An Educational Game Software Based on a Malay Folk Tale for Promoting Jawi Literacy
- Structured Teaching: Numeracy Module
- Cognitive and Physical Cuing Program
- Pintar Kereta