In 2014, the Research Centre for Tropical Climate Change System (or IKLIM, βClimateβ in Malay) has been restructured under the Institute for Climate Change (IPI), UKM. IKLIM is a dedicated research center for advancing knowledge on the physical basis and impacts of regional climate change, particularly in Malaysia and the Southeast Asia region. In the realization that climate change is a global issue, IKLIM also extends its collaboration with other international institutions in climate change research.
Marlia Mohd Hanafiah is a Professor and also a Head of the Centre for Tropical Climate Change System, Institute of Climate Change, UKM. She received her Ph.D Degree in Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) from Radboud University Nijmegen, the Netherlands. Her research projects focus on modelling potential environmental impacts of multiple stressors in an LCA and water footprint context and exploring potential bio-based nanomaterials for recycling and treating wastewater towards sustainability and circular economy. She has published over 140 peer-reviewed papers in high-impact journals and serves as peer reviewer for several high-impact journals. She has delivered more than 60 invited lectures and short courses/trainings at national and international conferences and events on the subjects of LCA and sustainability. As a project leader, she has received international and national grants from various funding agencies with a total amount of more than RM 7 million. Since 2013, she has been involved in consulting and reviewing the International Policy Brief under UNESCO Jakarta, National Criteria Document and Standard for companies, industries and government organizations as well as served as Reviewer and Expert for Qatar National Research Fund and United Nations Centre for Regional Development. She is currently conducting transdisciplinary research with a strong interest that integrates various disciplines such as environmental engineering, industrial ecology, toxicity/risk modelling. Her goal is devoted to introduce Life Cycle Thinking as a holistic view to assess environmental performance of products and technologies to solve fundamental and unprecedented society challenges, especially those related to sustainability and clean technology.
Maggie Chel Gee Ooi graduated from the University of Nottingham, Malaysia in 2012 and 2018 with Master in Chemical Engineering with Environmental Engineering and PhD in Civil Engineering respectively. She joined the Cloud and Aerosol Lab, National Central University Taiwan as a postdoctoral research fellow from 2017 and 2019 to improve the fire emission transport scheme under the national air quality prediction system. She currently works as Senior Lecturer/Research Fellow at the Institute of Climate Change, National University of Malaysia (UKM). Maggie does research in application of chemical weather prediction model (WRF-CMAQ, WRF-Chem) in several aspects including urban climate and pollution transportation. Her current projects are real-time air quality forecast, biomass-burning haze transportation and influence of future climate change on air quality with numerical models.
Wee Hin Boo, PhD. Graduated from the University of the Ryukus (2020), Okinawa, Japan, specialized in symbiotic relationship between reef-associated organisms with symbiotic algae. Dr. Wee is an experienced diver with more than 500 logged research dives. Currently, his study interests involve the symbiotic relationship of reef-associated organisms facing climate change. Other than that, he is also working on coral reef biodiversity at different marginal reefs and rehabilitated sites. Dr. Weeβs study involves both in-situ monitoring methods (biodiversity count), as well as laboratory analyses (molecular approach, water quality analyses). He uses both mediums to collate a comprehensive biological and physiological adaptation patterns of target species in face of anthropogenic pressure and climate change. Finally, Dr. Wee is currently actively coaching interest parties in statistical analyses and study designs using the programming language R. If there are any interests in Dr. Weeβs works, please feel free to contact him at weehinboo@ukm.edu.my.
Siti Norliyana Harun is a Research Fellow/Senior Lecturer at the Institute of Climate Change (IPI), Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. She received a Bachelor's Degree and a Master's Degree in Environmental Science from Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia in 2011 and 2015. Her PhD research is on life cycle assessment in the sustainability of rice production and water footprint of selected crops in Malaysia. Her current research focus is on the sustainability of the water- food-energy nexus, climate change and environmental sustainability literacy, and sustainable education. She is currently the project leader for Institute Masa Depan Malaysiaβs research grant entitled βResilience and adaptive capacities of ecotourism sector towards pandemic Covid-19β. The project attempt to produce a policy brief on the sustainability of the ecotourism sector in facing the challenge of Covid-19. She is also the head of the Training of Trainers (ToT) Program for βPlant a Million Treesβ project collaborations with ANGKASA. The ToT was given to teachers and students at schools in Malaysia.
Prof. Dr. Mohd Nizam is the senior advisor MyIKLIM database. He oversees the development of the database, with his vast experience in the field of climate change. He is currently the leader of the Climate Change Mitigation thrust under the UKM-YSD Chair for Sustainability.
Prof Nizam is currently is a Professor of Forest Ecology at the Department of Biological Sciences and Biotechnology, Faculty of Science and Technology, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia; and the Principal Research Fellow at the Institute of Climate Change UKM. He specializes in Tropical Forest Ecology, and his research interests are on impacts of climate change on forest ecosystems, focusing on the effects of elevated CO2 concentrations on the tropical forest ecosystem, habitat specialization of tropical forest vegetation, biodiversity, conservation and management of tropical forests. His current interests are on Climate Change Education, and Education for Sustainable Development.

Start Date | End Date | Title | Principle Investigator | Funder |
2020 | 2021 | Revitalizing green school actions for education for sustainable development (ESD) for 2030 focusing on climate change action as part of education response to covid-19 to build sustainable, peaceful, and resilience in Southeast Asia | Marlia Mohd Hanafiah | UNESCO Jakarta Office |
2021 | 2023 | Modeling an intelligence-based closed-loop supply chain network for a sustainable e-waste management | Marlia Mohd Hanafiah | Fundemental Research Grant Scheme |
2019 | 2021 | Green-inspired synthesis of magnetite modified CNT nanocomposite adsorbent for simultaneous removal of dyes and metal ions and its life cycle economic, environmental and social implications | Marlia Mohd Hanafiah | Dana Impak Perdana |
2019 | 2021 | Coupling LCA and Techno-Economic for zero discharge palm oil mill effluent | Marlia Mohd Hanafiah | Fundemental Research Grant Scheme |
2017 | 2019 | Integrating Energy-Pollution Nexus in a Dynamic LCA Framework for Urban Buildings: Towards Sustainable Conurbation in Malaysia | Marlia Mohd Hanafiah | Dana Impak Perdana |
2020 | 2022 | Assessment and Improvement of Numerical Chemical Weather Prediction Model in Capturing the Air Quality in Malaysia | Ooi Chel Gee | UKM-Yayasan Sime Darby |
2020 | 2023 | Transboundary wildfire biomass burning haze prediction system for peninsula Southeast Asia to Malaysia and Taiwan | Ooi Chel Gee | Geran Galakan Penyelidik Muda |
2020 | 2023 | Locally calibrated Air Pollution Index (API) prediction model in Southeast Asia that accounts for peatland fire emission and transport | Ooi Chel Gee | Fundemental Research Grant Scheme |
2021 | 2023 | Symbiodiniaceae Diversity hosted by Palythoa tuberculosa of adjacent ecoregions The Straits of Malacca and South China Sea: Environmental and climate change perspectives | Wee Hin Boo | Fundemental Research Grant Scheme |
2021 | 2023 | Assessing the ecological integration of Artificial Reefs (ARs) into adjacent low visibility coral reefs of the Datai Bay, Langkawi. | Wee Hin Boo | Geran Galakan Penyelidik Muda |
2022 | 2024 | Integrating Material Flow Analysis and Life Cycle Assessment of the Valorization of Rice Straw for Bioenergy Production | Siti Norliyana | Fundemental Research Grant Scheme |
2022 | 2022 | Environmental Life Cycle Assessment: Sustainable Rice Production in Malaysia | Siti Norliyana | Dana Penerbitan Buku |
2022 | 2022 | Ketahanan (Resilience) dan Kapasiti Adaptasi (Adaptive Capacities) Sektor Ekopelancongan Terhadap Pandemik Covid-19: Kajian Kes komuniti Setempat di Pulau Langkawi | Siti Norliyana | Institut Masa Depan Malaysia |
Year | Publication | Title | IKLIM Author |
2022 | Journal of Cleaner Production | The dilemma in energy transition in Malaysia: A comparative life cycle assessment of large scale solar and biodiesel production from palm oil | Marlia Mohd Hanafiah |
2022 | Environmental Technology & Innovation | An overview of LCA applied to various membrane technologies: Progress, challenges, and harmonization | Marlia Mohd Hanafiah |
2022 | Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering | Development of nanoparticles loaded composites from agricultural wastes for cationic dye removal from aqueous solution- A review | Marlia Mohd Hanafiah |
2022 | Separation and Purification Technology | Effective adsorptive removal of dyes and heavy metal using graphene oxide based Pre-treated with NaOH / H2SO4 rubber seed shells synthetic graphite Precursor: Equilibrium Isotherm, kinetics and thermodynamic studies | Marlia Mohd Hanafiah |
2022 | Membranes | Life Cycle Assessment of an Integrated Membrane Treatment System of Anaerobic-Treated Palm Oil Mill Effluent (POME). | Marlia Mohd Hanafiah |
2022 | Aerosol and Air Quality Research | Aerosol species contribution to 2019 haze episodes over East Coast Peninsular Malaysia | Ooi Chel Gee |
2021 | Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics | Improving prediction of trans-boundary biomass burning plume dispersion: from northern peninsular Southeast Asia to downwind western north Pacific Ocean | Ooi Chel Gee |
2019 | Geoscience Frontiers | The role of land use on the local climate and air quality during calm inter-monsoon in a tropical city | Ooi Chel Gee |
2017 | Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmosphere | Interaction of urban heating and topographic-induced circulation during the calm inter-monsoon seasons in the tropics | Ooi Chel Gee |
2017 | Urban Climate | Numerical Study on Effect of Urban Heating on Local Climate during Calm Inter-Monsoon Period in Greater Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia | Ooi Chel Gee |
2021 | Marine Ecology Progress Series | Effects of temperature, salinity, and depth on Symbiodiniaceae lineages hosted by Palythoa tuberculosa near a river mouth | Wee Hin Boo |
2021 | Coral Reefs | Symbiodiniaceae diversity of Palythoa tuberculosa in the central and southern Red Sea influenced by environmental factors | Wee Hin Boo |
2022 | Coral Reefs | Same but different? Zoantharian assemblages (Anthozoa: Hexacorallia) in Bonaire and Curaçao, southern Caribbean | Wee Hin Boo |
2021 | Marine Environmental Research | Downslope migration of free-living corals (Scleractinia: Fungiidae) in typhoon-exposed reef habitats at Okinawa, Japan | Wee Hin Boo |
2021 | Oceanography and Marine Biology: Annual Review | Widespread Zoanthus and Palythoa Dominance, Barrens, and Phase Shifts in Shallow Water Subtropical and Tropical Marine Ecosystems | Wee Hin Boo |
2022 | Energies | Rice Straw Utilisation for Bioenergy Production: A Brief Overview | Siti Norliyana |
2022 | Applied Sciences | Towards Sustainable Aquaculture: A Brief Look into Management Issues | Siti Norliyana |
2021 | Environmental Management | An LCA-based environmental performance of rice production for developing a sustainable agri-food system in Malaysia | Siti Norliyana |
2019 | Desalination and Water Treatment | Assessing water scarcity in Malaysia: a case study of rice production | Siti Norliyana |
2018 | Applied Ecology and Environmental Research | Estimating the country-level water consumption footprint of selected crop production | Siti Norliyana |