Institut Perubahan Iklim

 Institute of Climate Change

Master (Course work)

Master in Climate Change Coursework is one of its kind programme in this country focusing on raising the awareness of climate change and its impact on local and global scales. We are committed to improve the knowledge of graduates with the latest and state of the art tools in measuring, analyzing and predicting climate change that can aid in mitigation and policy making. Government agencies, private entities, consultation firms are welcomed to join us!

Programs National Education
Code (NEC)
Master in Climate Change (Coursework) 521
  • Environmental Science
  • Course mode: Full time
  • Course delivery method
    • Medium language: English
    • Blended Learning: Physical and virtual lectures, tutorials, practical work, visiting of sites
    • Online: UKMFolio, Online meeting platforms

Β Here are snapshots of some courses.

Contact Us

Postgraduate Secretariat
Tel : +603-89118484
Email :