Journal of Contemporary Islamic Law
No eISSN: 0127-788X2017 2(2)
30 DECEMBER 2017
Impak Kewangan Mikro Shariah Kepada Prestasi Usaha Usahawan Mikro: Kajian di Koperasi Shariah Baitul Qiradh Acheh
The Impact of Shariah Finance Micro towards the Performance of the Micro Bussiness Entrepenuer: A Study of The Shariah Cooperation of Baitul Qiradh Acheh
Asmawati Binti Husaini,
Postgraduate Student, Department of Sharia Law, Faculty of Islamic Studies, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia.
Shofian Bin Ahmad,
Department of Sharia Law, Faculty of Islamic Studies, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia.
Muhammad Adib Bin Samsudin,
Department of Sharia Law, Faculty of Islamic Studies, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia.
Received: 1 September 2016 | Accepted: 22 July 2017 | Published: 30 December 2017
2017, Vol. 2(2), pp. 1-23. | PDF
The micro finance is recognised as a medium of development of community socio economic and illimination of poverty. This article aims to evaluate on the effect of the micro Shariah financing towards the perfomance of micro bussiness entrepenuer among the customers of the cooperation of Shariah Cooperation of Baitul Qiradh Acheh, Indonesia. The micro bussiness is a sector that has a great role in developing country’s economy. The dependent variable of this sudy are result of incomes and selling, whereas the independent variale used are gender, age, educational level, entreprenuer’s ages, amount of finance, ownership of saving and participation of training. Analysis of Wilcoxon t test discovers an increment of monthly income and selling result, before and after receiving the finance. Besides, the data analysis that applies coleration Spearman also emphasize the existance of significant relation between age factor to the perfomance of the micro bussiness entreprenuer at a weak rate. However educational level, age of bussiness, ownership of saving and participation of management training has positive relation to the the bussiness perfomance at strong relationship rate. Whereas, the positive relation significant to the bussiness performance is at a strong relationship rate financing amount. However, there is negative strong relationship between the bussiness perfomance with the participation in the training. Therefore, the Baitul Qiradh Aceh has to upgrade the financing amount and expand the non-financal services such as bussiness development and entrepenuership training to customers before granting loan.
Keywords: Shariah Micro Finance, Bussiness Perfomance, Micro Entreprenuer, Baitul Qiradh Aceh, social bussiness
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