2024 9(1)

JUNE 2024

Muslim Funeral Rights in The West 

Nouman Hussain, nouman_hussain1@hotmail.com
School of Languages, Cultures and Societies, University of Leeds, United Kingdom

Received: April 24, 2024 | Revised: June 06, 2024 | Accepted: June 20, 2024 | Published: June 30, 2024

2024, Vol. 9(1), pp. 1-7.  |  PDF

This paper examines the rights of the deceased from a Sunni jurisprudential perspective and its application in selected Western nations. Despite the growing Muslim population in the West since World War II, scholarly attention has predominantly focused on topics such as extremism, Islamophobia, and minority jurisprudence, with minimal exploration of death-related matters. This paper addresses this gap by delving into the Islamic rulings concerning death and dying and their implications for Muslims living in Western societies. By examining issues such as burial rights, this research aims to provide valuable insights into how Muslims can navigate the complexities of death within Western legal and cultural frameworks. Through a comprehensive analysis of Sunni jurisprudence, this study seeks to offer practical guidance for Muslims facing end-of-life situations in non-Muslim majority environments. 

Sunni jurisprudence, death and burial rights, western context, muslim minority communities, end-of-life jurisprudence 

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