Journal of Contemporary Islamic Law

No eISSN: 0127-788X

2021 6(1)

15 JUNE 2021

Baby Hatch Menurut Perundangan Malaysia dan Syarak

Baby Hatch According to Malaysian Law and Syarak

Syahida Nafisah Hishamuddin,
Postgraduate Studies, Research Centre for Sharia, Faculty of Islamic Studies, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
Wafaa’ Yusof,
Research Centre for Sharia, Faculty of Islamic Studies, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
Received: 17 March 2021 | Accepted: 04 June 2021 | Published: 15 June 2021

2021, Vol. 6(1), pp. 39-52.  |  PDF

Penubuhan baby hatch mengundang konflik dan salah faham dalam kalangan masyarakat Islam di Malaysia. Mereka menolak dan melihat kewujudan baby hatch sebagai satu jalan baru bagi menggalakkan penzinaan. Persepsi negatif masyarakat terhadap penubuhan baby hatch disusuli dengan beberapa isu perundangan yang agak kabur berkaitan kesahihan penubuhan baby hatch. Malah, amalannya mengundang pelbagai reaksi dan masalah. Peruntukan undang-undang di Malaysia dan syarak berkaitan dengan isu pelaksanaan baby hatch dianalisis untuk melihat sejauhmana setiap tindakan berkaitan dengan baby hatch dibenarkan oleh undang-undang di Malaysia dan syarak. Hasil analisis menunjukkan undang-undang yang ada tidak secara khusus berkaitan baby hatch. Malahan pelbagai undang-undang terlibat secara tidak langsung bergantung kepada isu-isu yang dikaitkan dengan pelaksanaan baby hatch. Antaranya, isu pengabaian ibu bapa atau penjaga bayi, pembuangan bayi dan kedudukan tindakan mereka meletakkan anak di baby hatch dari sudut perundangan. Sementara dari sudut syarak, isu penubuhan baby hatch bertepatan dengan maqāṣid dan al-dharuriyyāt al-khamsah yang menjadi landasan utama untuk menilai keperluan dan kesahihan pelaksanaan baby hatch menurut syarak.

Kata kunci: Baby hatch, pembuangan bayi, perundangan Malaysia, syarak

The establishment of the baby hatch invites conflict and misunderstanding among the Muslim community in Malaysia. They perceive the existence of a baby hatch as a new way to encourage adultery. The community’s negative perception of the establishment of the baby hatch was followed by some rather ambiguous legal issues related to the legitimacy of its establishment. In fact, its practice received various reactions and problems. The related legal provision in Malaysia and syarak pertaining to the baby hatch implementation is analyzed, to figure out to what extent of its permissibility by law and syarak. The analysis of the data obtained shows that the existing laws are not specifically related to baby hatch. Even the various laws involved indirectly depend on the issues associated with baby hatch implementation. Among them are the issue of parental and guardian negligence, abandonment of babies and acts of individual leaving the baby in the hatch from legal view. Meanwhile, the validity of its implementation according to Islamic law and the certainty of its needs, is derived from the rules of maqāṣid and the preservation of al-dharuriyyāt al-khamsah.

Keywords: Baby hatch, baby dumping, Malaysian laws, syarak

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