Journal of Contemporary Islamic Law
No eISSN: 0127-788X2019 4(2)
15 DECEMBER 2019
Prospek Aplikasi Modal Teroka Islam dalam Koperasi di Malaysia: Satu Tinjauan Literatur
Prospects of Islamic Venture Capital Application in Cooperatives in Malaysia: A Literature Review
Azlin Alisa Ahmad,
Research Centre for Sharia, Faculty of Islamic Studies, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia.
Khairul Fatihin,
Postgraduate Student, Research Centre for Sharia, Faculty of Islamic Studies, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia.
Received: 05 April 2019 | Accepted: 10 October 2019 | Published: 15 December 2019
2019, Vol. 4(2), pp. 22-33. | PDF
Modal teroka terbukti memberikan kesan positif kepada perkembangan ekonomi negara kelas pertama. Namun di Malaysia, aplikasi modal teroka masih ketinggalan berbanding negara maju seperti Amerika Syarikat dan Jepun. Artikel ini mengkaji alternatif lain bagi aplikasi modal teroka Islam selain dari aplikasi sedia ada melalui syarikat modal teroka dan syarikat pengurusan modal teroka. Kajian ini akan melihat apakah prospek yang terdapat dalam koperasi koperasi di Malaysia bagi aplikasi Modal teroka Islam. Teori Pretorius & Schutte digunakan sebagai rujukan di mana konsep koperasi primer dan koperasi sekunder diperkenalkan. Prospek ini juga dapat diteliti dengan melihat lanskap sedia ada koperasi – koperasi di Malaysia. Terdapat dua pilihan bagi aplikasi kepatuhan Syariah dalam aplikasi modal teroka Islam sama ada menggunakan konsep sedia ada yang ditetapkan oleh pihak Suruhanjaya Koperasi Malaysia (SKM) ataupun melalui pilihan lain selain dari yang ditetapkan oleh SKM. Metode yang digunakan adalah analisis kandungan. Akhirnya, kajian mendapati terdapat peluang yang besar bagi aplikasi modal teroka Islam dalam koperasi di Malaysia. Kajian juga melihat terdapat persoalan persoalan penting yang perlu dirungkai bagi aplikasi modal teroka Islam di dalam koperasi di Malaysia.
Kata kunci: Prospek, Modal teroka, Koperasi, Koperasi Primer, Koperasi Sekunder
Venture capital is proven as contributed to a positive impact on the development of economy of the first lass country. However, in Malaysia, the application of the venture capital is still left behind compared to other developed countries like US and Japan. This article examines the other alternatives to the application of Islamic venture capital, besides the existing applications through the venture capital firms and venture capital management companies. This study will analyze the prospects of co-operatives in Malaysia for Islamic venture capital application. Pretorius & Schutte’s theory is used as a reference in which the concept of primary and secondary cooperatives is introduced. This prospect can also be explored by analyzing at the existing landscape of Malaysian cooperatives. There are two options of Shariah-compliant applications in Islamic venture capital either using the existing concepts set up by the Malaysian Cooperative Commission (MCMC) or through other options than prescribed by the MCMC. The method used for this study is content analysis method. Finally, the study found that there is a great opportunity for Islamic venture capital applications in co-operatives in Malaysia. The study also found that there are important questions that need to be discovered in order to apply the Islamic venture capital in co-operatives in Malaysia.
Keywords: Prospect, Venture Capital, Co-operative, Primer Cooperative, Seconder Cooperative.
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