2022 7(2)
Transaksi Mikro Item Permainan Atas Talian Menurut Perspektif Syarak
Micro Transactions of Online Gaming Items According to Sharia
Iffah Abd Razak,
Postgraduate Student, Research Center for Sharia, Faculty of Islamic Studies, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
Amir Fazlim Jusoh@Yusoff, amiry@ukm.edu.my
Research Center for Sharia, Faculty of Islamic Studies, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
Received: February 07, 2022 | Revised: August 21, 2022 | Accepted: October 21, 2022 | Published: December 15, 2022
2022, Vol. 7(2), pp. 19-27. | PDF
Nowadays, online gaming grows rapidly in the gaming world globally such as esport, which not only involves children and adolescents, in fact, this development also involves various institutions. The result of this development has led to the birth of the concept of micro transaction, such as buying and selling of game items online and it has variety of payment methods. Thus, the focus of this study is to determine the status buying and selling transactions of the game items according to Shariah, by using the concept of property (mal). This study uses a qualitative method by using the method of documents analysis, statistics and previous studies. As a result of this study, the transaction is permissible because it meets the pillars and the conditions of sale and purchase according to Shariah. This study could be a reference to facilitate individuals as well as fatwa institutions in setting the law of sale and purchase of online gaming items.
Micro transaction, esport, online gaming, Dota 2, property.
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