2023 8(1)
JUNE 2023
Persepsi Pelajar Muslim Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin (UniSZA) Terhadap Faktor Pemilihan Pelaburan Dana Unit Amanah Islam (DUAI)
Perceptions of Sultan Zainal Abidin University (UniSZA) Muslim Students Regarding the Investment Selection Factors of Islamic Unit Trust Fund (IUTF)
Mohd ‘Adli Zahri
Fakulti Ekonomi dan Pengurusan, University College Bestari
Fatin ‘Alia Zahri
Pusat Pengajian Sains Kemasyarakatan, Universiti Sains Malaysia
Nurul Ilyana Muhd Adnan, ilyana_adnan@ukm.edu.my
Research Center for Sharia, Faculty of Islamic Studies, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
Received: November 29, 2022 | Revised: December 11, 2022 | Accepted: January 09, 2023 | Published: June 15, 2023
2023, Vol. 8(1), pp. 19-28. | PDF
Nilai Aset Bersih (NAB) Dana Unit Amanah Islam (DUAI) di Malaysia meningkat daripada RM27.86 bilion pada tahun 2011 kepada RM60.91 bilion pada tahun 2016 seterusnya kepada RM128.33 bilion pada tahun 2021. Hal ini mempamerkan peningkatan sebanyak 360.62 peratus bagi tempoh 2011 kepada 2021. Persoalannya, mengapakah peratusan peningkatan NAB DUAI begitu mendadak? Apakah pemilihan DUAI disebabkan oleh faktor intrinsik (kefahaman terhadap pelaburan DUAI dan pulangan maslahat)? Apakah pemilihan DUAI disebabkan oleh faktor ekstrinsik (pemasaran, ciri-ciri produk dan perkhidmatan)? Artikel ini oleh itu bertujuan mengkaji persepsi pelajar Muslim UniSZA seperti berikut. Pertama untuk mengenal pasti faktor pemilihan terhadap pemilihan pelaburan DUAI. Kedua untuk menganalisis persepsi pelajar Muslim UniSZA terhadap faktor pemilihan pelaburan DUAI. Data diperoleh daripada 300 orang responden kemudian dianalisis menggunakan statistik deskriptif dan inferens. Dapatan pertama mempamerkan bahawa persepsi positif terhadap semua dimensi, yang mana dimensi tertinggi ialah keyakinan dan ibadat, manakala dimensi yang terendah ialah kefahaman terhadap pelaburan DUAI. Dapatan kedua mempamerkan bahawa faktor ekstrinsik lebih dominan dan signifikan dalam pemilihan pelaburan DUAI berbanding faktor kepatuhan beragama dan intrinsik. Ini menunjukkan bahawa pelajar lebih cenderung kepada perkara-perkara ekstrinsik berbanding faktor dalaman diri. Kesimpulannya, pihak pengendali DUAI perlu memberi perhatian kepada ciri-ciri produk dan perkhidmatan untuk menarik minat masyarakat menyertai pelaburan DUAI.
Nilai Aset Bersih, Dana Unit Amanah Islam, Faktor Intrinsik, Faktor Ekstrinsik, Kepatuhan Beragama.
The Net Asset Value (NAV) of Islamic Unit Trust Funds (IUTF) in Malaysia experienced a significant increase, rising from RM27.86 billion in 2011 to RM60.91 billion in 2016, and further escalating to RM128 billion in 2021. This reflects a substantial 360 per cent increase between 2011 and 2021. This sharp uptick raises the question: What are the driving forces behind the sudden surge in IUTF’s NAV? Could it be due to intrinsic factors, such as a better understanding of IUTF investments and their returns, or could it stem from extrinsic factors like marketing strategies and product or service characteristics? This article aims to examine the perceptions of UniSZA Muslim students concerning IUTF investments. Firstly, it seeks to identify the decisive factors influencing their selection of IUTF investments. Secondly, it aims to analyze their perceptions about these influencing factors. Data were gathered from 300 respondents and analyzed using both descriptive and inferential statistics. The first finding revealed positive perceptions across all dimensions, with the highest being confidence and religiosity, while the understanding of IUTF investment was the lowest dimension. The second finding indicated that extrinsic factors played a more dominant and significant role in IUTF investment selection than religiosity and intrinsic adherence factors, suggesting that students lean more towards extrinsic elements compared to internal factors. In conclusion, IUTF operators must focus on enhancing their product and service features to attract broader community participation in IUTF investments.
Net Asset Value, Islamic Unit Trust Funds, Intrinsic Factors, Extrinsic Factors, Religiosity.
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