JURNAL EKONOMI MALAYSIA is a Scopus indexed peer reviewed journal published by Penerbit UKMUniversiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. The journal publishes original research articles on theoretical development and their implementation, empirical papers with rigorous analysis, systematic literature review and meta analysis, research notes, comments and book reviews on all aspects of economics. These aspects include monetary economics, financial economics, development economics, resource economics, labour economics, international economics, Islamic economics and other economic-related issues. Articles are published 3 times per year (April, July and October) in both English and Malay Languages.

Financial Wellbeing of Poor Households: Role of Digital Financial Inclusion
Ming-Pey Lu, Zunarni Kosim, Nora Azureen Abdul Rahman

Kesan Persekitaran Pekerjaan Terhadap Penglibatan Wanita Dalam STEM
Nurhamizah Rashid, Norain Mod Asri, Azrina Abdullah Al-Hadi, Norshamliza Chamhuri, Hazrul Izuan Shahiri

Spatial Analysis of Income Inequality: The Case of Sumatra Island, Indonesia
Arif Rahman, Inggrita Gusti Sari Nasution, Raina Linda Sari, Irsad Lubis, Sirojuzilam, Wahyu Ario Pratomo

View the latest issue for more recent articles: Volume 58 (3),

News and Announcements

Article Processing Fee (APF) RM 700 will be charged for ACCEPTED manuscripts submitted to JEM from 1st February 2025.

(January 1, 2025)

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Jurnal Ekonomi Malaysia is pleased to invite papers examining topics from across the journal’s scope for submission.

(April 12, 2023)

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CALL FOR PARTICIPANTS: “Inequality and Public Policy in Asia” GLO Global Conference Session Zoom links for the session: Join Zoom Meeting ROOM II or https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83176423118?pwd=WHM3M0l5ekxycTFsQXdZTGFjcE01dz09 Saturday, 3 Dec 2022, 8-10am...

(November 7, 2022)

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The journal use plagiarism detection services to screen submitted and published content for originality by detecting similar and overlapping text in submitted manuscripts. The editorial board use the results returned by the software to analyse the manuscript and may reject the manuscript due to plagiarism, redundant and/ or duplicate publication.

Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.


If the article is accepted for publication, copyright of this article will be vested to Penerbit UKM, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia.

Licensing Statement

All articles published in this journal are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) license, unless otherwise stated.