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Jurnal Ekonomi Malaysia

21/22 1990 13 – 44

Malaysia’s Industrialisation and Trade: Issues, Options and Strategies

Fakulti Ekonomi
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
43600 UKM Bangi
Selangor D.E., Malaysia

Fakulti Ekonomi
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
43600 UKM Bangi
Selangor D.E., Malaysia


This paper consists of two sections. The first section attempts to review briefly the pattern and strategy of Malaysia’s industrialization since independence. emphasizing the trade aspects of the manufacturing sector and the role of  international trade in the process of economic development. While it is argued that the export-promotion policy should be aggressively pursued, it is by no means the only one. In view of the fact that the export-oriented strategies can only be effective if external (demand) conditions are favorable and therefore subject to fluctuations, steps have to be taken to supplement these strategies with appropriate government intervention on the supply (internal) side.


Export Bibliography

Osman-Rani, , & Piei, (1990). Malaysia’s Industrialisation and Trade: Issues, Options and Strategies. Jurnal Ekonomi Malaysia, 21/22, 13–44.

  title={Malaysia’s Industrialisation and Trade: Issues, Options and Strategies},
  author={Osman-Rani, H. and Piei, Mohd. Haflah},
  journal={Jurnal Ekonomi Malaysia},


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