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Jurnal Ekonomi Malaysia

41 2007 61 – 90

Return and Onward Migration, Attchment and Travel of New Zealand Migrants to Australia

Population Studies Centre
University of Waikato
Private Bag 3105 Hamilton New Zealand

Population Studies Centre
University of Waikato
Private Bag 3105 Hamilton New Zealand


This article is concerned with the international mobility of New Zealanders who migrate to Australia. We study New Zealand migrants arriving in Australia between 1 August 1999 and 31 July 2002. We track all subsequent moves of these migrants out of and back into australia, up to july 2005. Using hazard models, we find that the removal of labour market-related social security eligibility by Australia for New Zealand migrants increased the probability of remigration from australia among those who had intended to settle permanently. Competing risk models suggested no diffrence between the impacts of the policy changes on onward or return moves. Settlers arriving after the policy changes were more likely to imigrate again, to have lower attachment to Australia, and to make more trips away.


Export Bibliography

Poot, , & Sanderson, (2007). Return and Onward Migration, Attchment and Travel of New Zealand Migrants to Australia. Jurnal Ekonomi Malaysia, 41, 61–90.

  title={Return and Onward Migration, Attchment and Travel of New Zealand Migrants to Australia},
  author={Poot, Jacques and Sanderson, Lynda},
  journal={Jurnal Ekonomi Malaysia},


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