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Jurnal Ekonomi Malaysia

49 (1) 2015 83 – 92

Sumpahan Sumber Alam dan Modal Insan: Satu Penilaian Semula
Natural Resource Curse and Human Capital: A Revisit

Institut Kajian Malaysia dan Antarabangsa (IKMAS),
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia

Pusat Pengajian Ekonomi
Fakulti Ekonomi dan Pengurusan
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia


The motivation of this study is to provide an empirical evidence on the role of human capital in determining whether the natural resources are a “blessing” or “curse”. Sachs and Warner (1995) and other economists unanimously agree that natural resources do not help economic growth. However, until now not much is known about the relationship between natural source and income. We conjecture that natural resources may have negative impact on economic growth, but positive with real income. This paper aims to study the dynamics relationship between natural resources, human capital and income in the Organization of Islamic Countries (OIC) and non-OIC. Unlike most of the previous studies that emphasize on growth, this study emphasizes on the real income. The study considers the quality of human capital in determining the relationship between natural resources and national income. Using the dynamic panel environment in generalized method of moments (GMM) for 149 countries from 1980-2010, the result shows that the natural resources is a “grace” with respect to national income either for OIC or non-OIC. Interestingly, the study support the proposition that the human capital is a key factor in determining the “blessing” or “curse” for the country rich in natural resources. Abundant natural resources indeed a blessing for high quality human capital.


human capital; Natural Resource Curse; OIC

Author’s Acknowledgement

Kajian ini telah dibiayai oleh Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia dengan kod penyelidikan “UKM-GUP-2011-259”. Sebahagian daripada kertas kajian ini telah dibentangkan di Persidangan Kebangsaan Ekonomi Malaysia 2014 (PERKEM 2014) di Kuala Terengganu. Kami mengucapkan jutaan terima kasih kepada peserta yang banyak memberi maklumat dalam proses penambahbaikan. Segala kekurangan adalah daripada pihak penulis.


Export Bibliography

Kunchu, , & Sarmidi, (2015). Sumpahan Sumber Alam dan Modal Insan: Satu Penilaian Semula. Jurnal Ekonomi Malaysia, 49(1), 83–92.

  title={Sumpahan Sumber Alam dan Modal Insan: Satu Penilaian Semula},
  author={Kunchu, Jirsah A Bakar and Sarmidi, Tamat},
  journal={Jurnal Ekonomi Malaysia},


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