Research Areas
The research conducted in the Department includes the following areas:
1. Computer Technology, Signal Processing and Instrumentation
- Monitoring data analysis and evaluation of mainframe programme
- Multicomputer systems
- Computer network
- Image processing
- Digital signal processing
- Signal scrambler
- Microprocessor system and instrumentations
- Monitoring system
- Software engineering
- High frequency ampifiers
- Clinical instrumentations
2. Microelectronics, Optical fibers and Sensor Technology
- IC fabrication technology
- Diffusion, oxidation, metallisation and annealing studies in fabrication
- LSI and VLSI implementation
- Testability
- PECVD technology
- Microsensors and micromotors technology (MEMS)
- High speed switching devices
- Submicron MOSFET, bulk unipolar and MISIM devices
- Integrated optics
- Optical waveguide devices
- Optoelectronics
- Optical Polymers
- Modeling in semiconductor device characterization
- Optical fiber components and technology
- Optical fiber sensors
- IC design
3. Power and Expert Systems
- Artificial Intelligent applications in power systems
- Power systems security
- Power electronics Power quality studies
4. Communications and Telematics
- Coding and transmission system for PCM and ADPCM
- Telephony
- AM and FM broadcasting signal through empty space
- TV satellite signal receptions
- RF and antenna technology
- Ionosphere and radio propagation study
- Satellite and space communication
- Network security and management
- Wireless communication and networks