Department of Mechanical & Manufacturing Engineering


Programme Educational Objectives

Programme Educational Objectives (PEOs) are defined objectives that should be achieved by graduates in their career and their professional life after graduation.

PEOObjectivesPerformance CriteriaTarget DirectTarget indirect
PEO1National Aspiration

Engineer with excellent personality, ethics and professionalism that contributes to National Aspiration.
Graduates prefer national identity and proud to be Malaysian.
• Ability to use the Malay language in performing verbal and written tasks
• Ability to use the English language in performing verbal and written tasks
• Willing to work in government linked company (GLC)/government sector
• Ability to apply and to practice his/her understanding of professional and ethical responsibility when dealing with environmental and contemporary issues
• Membership of BEM/ IEM or other professional bodies

• 10% working in GLC/government sector

• 30% use Malay in official tasks
• 60% of alumni agree on the importance of characters, ethics and high professionalism and contribute to national aspiration

Engineer that competent in his/her engineering field that is appropriate to current and future needs.
Graduates show that their professional enhancement is due to the knowledge acquired at university.
• Ability to apply and to practice his/her knowledge in mathematics, science and engineering
• Ability to design a component, system or process to meet desired needs
• Ability to communicate and to function effectively in a team
• Ability to recognize the need for, and to engage in life-long learning
• Willing to work in private sectors
• 60% of alumni are working in private sectors

• 20% alumni have received any awards/recognition/appreciation from employer/companies

• 20% alumni have been invited/appointed to present a technical report/training module/workshop
• 60% of the alumni believe that competency is important in their engineering field
PEO3Entrepreneurship Leadership

Engineer with creative and innovative skills that possess entrepreneurship and leadership ability for global environment.
Satisfaction of international clients and employers who deal with the graduates.
• Ability to perform well in associating with foreign co-workers
• Ability to perform well in dealing with foreign suppliers/vendors/customers
• Ability to perform well in different work environments (in other countries)
• Ability to set up a company/business
• Ability to expand his/her business or employer’s business
• Possess Assistant Manager and above
• 10% of our alumni be a founder/owner/ operator of a company

• 50% of alumni have any staff under supervisions.
• 60% agree that engineer should have creative, innovative, entrepreneurial and leadership skills



