Volume 37(1) January 2025
Template of Manuscript
Online Submissions
Jurnal Kejuruteraan (Journal of Engineering) is published by UKM Press.
Editor-In-Chief, International Advisory Board, Editorial Board, Section Editors and Technical Editors.
All enquiries should be address to Jurnal Kejuruteraan.
Jurnal Kejuruteraan (Journal of Engineering) is published by UKM Press / Penerbit UKM (Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Publisher). It acts as a forum for the publication of review, research and technical papers/original research (subject to Article Processing Charge) in all engineering (Chemical, Civil, Electrical, Mechanical, Engineering Education and Engineering Management) and Built Environment related areas.
Commencing from 2021, we are welcoming submission of review papers to be published. Our aim is to create an understanding of the topic for the readers by discussing the findings presented in recent research papers.
Jurnal Kejuruteraan is indexed in ESCI in Web of Science (JCR 2024, Impact Factor (IF): 0.6), My Jurnal, My Cite, Google Scholar, Cite Factor, GIF, UIF, ICI, DRJI, IBI, Ulrichsweb, SJIF, UDL Edge, Focus, BASE, IIJIF, World Wide Science, OCLC World Cat & EZB.
Starting 2022, Jurnal Kejuruteraan published six issues yearly (January, March, May, July, September and November).
We are thrilled to announce that our journal , Journal Engineering UKM, has been officially accepted by SCOPUS, one of the most prestigious abstracting and indexing databases in the academic world.
This achievement marks a significant milestone in our journey, as it recognizes the quality and impact of the research published within our journal. Being indexed by SCOPUS not only enhances our visibility in the global academic community but also provides our authors with broader exposure, fostering greater opportunities for collaboration and citation. This recognition further motivates us to continue delivering high-quality content and advancing the field of engineering with cutting-edge research and innovations.
Jurnal Kejuruteraan (Journal of Engineering)
Faculty of Engineering and Built Environment
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
Email : jkej@ukm.edu.my
Phone : +603-8911 8038 / +603-8911 8354