Editorial Board Role


Responsible for all final decision-making related to the Journal topics and content, editing, website content, advertising, and relationship building, as well as the future direction of the Journal. General responsibilities of this role include:

  • Collaborating with Section Editors to decide future issue topics, content, and contributors
  • Managing the day-to-day operations of the Journal, especially the peer-review process, with support from other editorial team members
  • Ensuring that the content of contributions meets the suitable focus and scope of the Journal
  • Resolving problems that arise from time to time, such as plagiarism and ensuring articles are original and have not been published before elsewhere
  • Commissioning content from experts on facilitating efficient peer review of submitted material to generate a flow of content and ensure the quality and punctual delivery of the Journal
  • Assigning responsibilities to all team members and ensuring that they are completed on time
  • Editing the content to enhance its quality and approving or rejecting submissions based on preset grounds
  • Maintaining regular communication with the Editorial Board members
  • Generating ideas to promote the Journal and increase citations of articles, including by using new technologies and implementing ways to increase readership worldwide
  • Fact-checking and raising queries with authors

Associate Editor-in-Chief

Assists the Editor-in-Chief to devise strategies such as developing Journal-related subjects and organizing Journal issues.

  • Proposing future issue topics, content, and contributors
  • Assisting the Editor-in-Chief in the day-to-day operation of the Journal, especially the peer-review process, with the support of other editorial staff
  • Editing the content of Journal issues
  • Addressing problems that arise from time to time, such as plagiarism and ensuring articles are original and have not been previously published elsewhere
  • Commissioning contributions from experts on topical themes and overseeing the peer review process for submitted articles to generate a flow of content and ensure the punctual delivery of the Journal
  • Editing content to enhance its quality and approving or rejecting submissions based on preset grounds
  • Building relationships and communicating with editorial members and authors.

International Advisory Board

The board is an internationally diverse group of recognized expertise in their respective engineering background with a strong track and interest in academic publishing. The diversity of this group reflects the Journal’s global scope and promotes wider collaboration between research institutions. General responsibilities of this role include:

  • Identifying new topics or focused issues and advising on the direction of the Journal, which can include feeding back on past issues and making suggestions for topics and potential authors, reviewers or guest editors.
  • Peer reviews the submitted manuscripts on their suitable topic and scope of the Journal
  • Evaluate manuscripts fairly and solely on their intellectual merit
  • Continuously monitor overall performance and quality of the Journal.
  • Continuously support and promote the Journal
  • Act as ambassadors for the Journal
  • Advising the Editor-in-Chief and Associate Editor-in-Chief on whether a submitted article should be accepted or rejected based on the peer review process

Editorial Board

The board is a local group of recognized expertise in their respective engineering background with a strong track and interest in academic publishing. General responsibilities of this role include:

  • Identifying new topics or focused issues and advising on the direction of the Journal, which can include feeding back on past issues and making suggestions for topics and potential authors, reviewers or guest editors.
  • Providing constructive suggestions to authors regarding article content, structure and areas for improvement
  • Peer reviews the submitted manuscripts on their suitable topic and scope of the Journal
  • Evaluate manuscripts fairly and solely on their intellectual merit
  • Ensure confidentiality of manuscripts and not disclose any information regarding manuscripts to anyone other than the people involved in the publishing process
  • Actively contribute to the development and the greater good of the Journal.
  • Continuously monitor overall performance and quality of the Journal.
  • Continuously support and promote the Journal
  • Advising the Editor-in-Chief and Associate Editor-in-Chief on whether a submitted article should be accepted or rejected based on the peer review process

Section Editors

Section Editors are experts and highly recognized individuals in their field of expertise from various research areas who play an important role in the growth and maturation of the Journal, especially in the breadth, depth, and sophistication of its content. They pay close attention to the most recent progress in research and recommend high-quality experts to the Editorial Board and are responsible for:

  • Solicitation of editorial/editorial commentary and the peer review of the solicited commentary materials
  • Corresponding with and extending invitations to recommended experts or reviewers
  • Carrying out initial manuscript checks and reviews according to the submission criteria
  • Recommending appropriate reviewers for the peer review process
  • Assisting other editors in implementing the policies of the Journal and in monitoring the efficiency of its systems
  • Contributing to the ongoing expansion of the reviewer database
  • Assisting the Editor-in-Chief in deciding future issue topics, content, and contributors
  • Commissioning contributions from experts on the suitable focus and scope of the Journal
  • Facilitating efficient peer review of submitted material to generate a flow of content and to ensure the punctual delivery of the Journal
  • Generating ideas to promote recognition of the Journal and increase article citations, including by using new technologies, implementing ways to increase readership worldwide

Technical Assistants

Technical Assistants are full-time employees at the Journal who are responsible for:

  • Conducting initial manuscript checks and reviews to assess whether the submission criteria in terms of quality, format and template have been fulfilled
  • Examining manuscripts for errors with grammar, spelling, and terminology
  • Examining manuscripts for any plagiarism issues based on the similarity score (Turnitin)
  • Assisting with the design of optimal Journal covers for each volume or issue
  • Supporting the typesetters at the publisher (UKM Press / Penerbit UKM) with the editing and proofing of manuscripts and preparing the manuscripts for publication
  • Aiding and identifying and resolving issues regarding the hardcopy (ISSN) or electronic format (eISSN) of the Journal
  • Carrying out the initial screening of unsolicited materials submitted to the Journal and liaising on such matters with other editors
  • Helping to identify potential guest editors and reaching out to them
  • Continuously updating and monitoring the visibility of the Journal’s official website
  • Monitoring the Journal’s website.