Relationship between 5S Implementation and Green Performance of Malaysian Manufacturing SMEs: A Conceptual Model

Rahim Jamian, Mohd Nizam Ab Rahman, Baba Md Deros, Mohd Zuhdi Ibrahim, Ibrahim Nik Zainuddin Nik Ismail

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Because of the global sustainability agenda, environmental factors are increasingly becoming a priority in the implementation of management practices and competitiveness strategies. Management system such as ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 has the ability to improve company performance toward achieving market competitiveness. However, many companies especially small and medium enterprises (SMEs) are unable to perform these practices. Despite the importance of manufacturing SMEs as a major contributor for the world economic development and environmental pollution, they face resource constraints on resolving environmental issues. As an alternative to existing approaches, the concept of green management with emphasis on green performance improvement, namely in operation and environmental aspects has been introduced. In this context, 5S practice is an approach that is widely used to improve fi rm performance without requiring a large investment. The 5S implementation has now evolved from the concept of operational to green performance. However, the successful implementation of 5S depends on the characteristics and internal factors of a company. This study primarily aIMS to examine to what extent the 5S concept has been treated as green management practices in the Malaysian manufacturing SMEs. In this study, several hypotheses and a conceptual model of the relationship between 5S implementation and green performance has been built. In the proposed model, several factors that include strategic planning, commitment and implementation procedures have been identifi ed to infl uence the successful implementation of 5S to achieve green performance.

Keywords : 5S; green performance; small and medium enterprises


Disebabkan agenda pelestarian global, faktor alam sekitar kini semakin menjadi keutamaan dalam pelaksanaan amalan pengurusan dan strategi keberdayasaingan. Beberapa sistem pengurusan seperti ISO 9001 dan ISO 14001 mampu meningkatkan prestasi syarikat ke arah mencapai keberdayasaingan pasaran. Namun, bukan semua syarikat mampu melaksanakan amalan ini terutamanya perusahaan kecil dan sederhana (PKS). Di sebalik kepentingan sektor pembuatan PKS sebagai penyumbang utama kepada pembangunan ekonomi dan pencemaran alam sekitar dunia, mereka mempunyai kekangan sumber dalam menangani isu alam sekitar. Sebagai alternatif, konsep pengurusan hijau yang memberi penekanan kepada penambahbaikan prestasi hijau, iaitu dalam aspek operasi dan alam sekitar telah diperkenalkan. Dalam konteks ini, amalan 5S merupakan pendekatan yang digunakan secara meluas untuk meningkatkan prestasi syarikat tanpa memerlukan kos pelaburan yang besar. Pelaksanaannya telah berkembang daripada berkonsepkan prestasi operasi kepada prestasi hijau. Namun, kejayaan pelaksanaan 5S bergantung kepada ciri-ciri dan faktor-faktor dalaman syarikat. Objektif utama kajian ini adalah untuk menyiasat sejauh mana konsep 5S digarap sebagai amalan pengurusan hijau di sektor pembuatan PKS Malaysia. Beberapa hipotesis dan model konsep hubungan pelaksanaan 5S dengan prestasi hijau turut dibina. Dalam model konsep yang dicadangkan, beberapa faktor merangkumi perancangan strategik, komitmen dan prosedur pelaksanaan dikenal pasti mampu mempengaruhi kejayaan pelaksanaan 5S untuk mencapai prestasi hijau.

Kata kunci: 5S; prestasi hijau; perusahaan kecil dan sederhana

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