Volume 2 (1990)

Table of Contents

No. Article Detail
1. Terikan Ricih Kitaran di dalam Tanah disebabkan Gelombang Jasad (Cyclic Shear Strains in the Ground 
Caused by Body Waves)
Ramli MohamadAbstract
download buttonPage 109-126
2. Tegasan Ricih Di Dalam Pengangkutan Endapan Betung Ribut (Shear Stress in the Storm Sewer Sediment Transportation)
Ramli Mat SukiAbstract
download buttonPage 127-132
3. Pengukuran Resapan Air ke dalam Konkrit dengan Menggunakan Kaedah Ujikaji Resapan Awalan Permukaan (Measurement of Water Diffusion in the Concrete Using Prefix Surface Diffusion Experimental Method)
Mohd Sabri Abdullah & Kamarudin Mohd YusofAbstract
download buttonPage 133-141
4. Hubungan Halaju Denyut Ultrasonik-Kekuatan Mampatan Konkrit: Kesan Nisbah Batu Baur-Simen, Nisbah Air Simen Dalam Kaedah Pengawetan Berbeza (Relationship of Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity-Compression Strength Concrete: Effects of Aggregate – Cement Ratio, Water-Cement Ratio in Different Curing Methods)
Kamarudin Mohd YusofAbstract
download buttonPage 143-158
5. Scale Effect Of Storm Sewage Overflow Structure
S. Y. Lim & K. H. M. AliAbstract
download buttonPage 159-177
6. Menskala Naik Satu Proses Fermentasi Berdasarkan Pekali Pemindahan Isipadu (Kla) Oksigen Tetap (Scale Up of Fermentation Process Based on  Constant Volumetric Transfer Coefficient (kLa) of Oxygen)
Ahmad Jaril Asis, Zulaikha Paidi, Michael A. Winkler & Jailani SalihonAbstract
download buttonPage 179-195
7. Specificity of Acclimated Biodecolourisation Culture to Cosubstrate Structure
Rakmi Abdul Rahman, Mohd Ariffin Aton & Jailani SalihonAbstract
download buttonPage 197-203
8. Effects of Aeration on Biodecolourisation of Azo Dye Rakmi
Abdul Rahman, Mohd Ariffin Aton & Jailani SalihonAbstract

download buttonPage 205-212
9. The Fabrication and Evaluation of On-Chip Gas Pressure Sensors
Masuri OthmanAbstract
download buttonPage 213-223
10. Penapis Pemuat Tersuis untuk Pengukuran Akustik (Switched-Capacitor Filter for Acoustic Measurement)
Mohd Alauddin Mohd AliAbstract
download buttonPage 225-245