Volume 3 (1991)

Table of Contents

No. Article


1. Permodelan Ombak-Angin Menggunakan Spektra Jonswap (Modeling of Wind-Waves Using Jonswap Spectra)
Othman A. KarimAbstract

download buttonPage 3-12

2. Analisis Persimpangan Berlampu Isyarat Menggunakan Highway Capacity Manual 1985 (Signalised Intersection Analysis Using Highway Capacity Manual 1985)
Ismail Abd. RahmanAbstract

download buttonPage 13-26

3. The Effect of Isotropic Roughness on the Thermohydrodynamic Solution of Finite Journal Bearings
Che Hassan Che Haron & Nik Abdullah Nik ShalehAbstract

download buttonPage 27-40

4. Isolated Digit Recognition in Malaysian Language
Zainul Abidin Md Sharif, Masuri Othman & Tan Shao TheongAbstract

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Page 41-46

5. Switching Characteristics of SRO-MISS Devices
Burhanuddin Yeop Majlis & M. J. MorantAbstract

download buttonPage 47-56

6. Kawalan Mikrokomputer ke atas Motor Pelangkah dan Simulasinya (Microcomputer Control on the Stepper Motor and Simulation)
Mahamod Ismail, Mohd Alauddin Mohd Ali & Kam Teik BoonAbstract
download buttonPage 57-69
7. Compiler-Compiler for an Eight Bit Microprocessor
Kasmiran Bin Jumari & K.R. DimondAbstract
download buttonPage 71-79