Sains Malaysiana 25(1): 45-50 (1996) Sains Fizis dan Gunaan/
Physical and Applied Sciences
Calculation of Mean Kidney Dose for a
Co-57 External Radiation Source
Supian Bin Samat
Jabatan Fizik
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
43600 UKM Bangi, Selangor D.E. Malaysia
A description is given of the numerical integration method for the calculation of the mean kidney dose for a Co-57 external radiation source. Based on this theory, a computer program was written. Initial calculation of the kidney volume shows that the method has a good accuracy. For the mean kidney dose, this method gives a satisfactory result, since the calculated value lies within the acceptable range of the central axis depth dose.
Satu huraian diberikan tentang kaedah pengkamiran berangka untuk mengira dos buah pinggang purata untuk satu sumber sinaran luar Co-57. Berdasarkan teori ini, satu program komputer ditulis. Pengiraan awal isipadu buah pinggang menunjukkan yang kaedah ini mempunyai ketepatan yang baik. Untuk dos buah pinggang purata, kaedah ini memberikan keputusan yang baik, kerana nilai kiraan terletak diantara julat dos kedalaman paksi pusat yang diterima.
Chapra, S.C. & Canale, R.P. 1989. Numerical Methods for Engineers, 2nd Edition, New York: McGraw-Hill Book Co.
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Supian bin Samat. 1985. Unpublished report, a copy of the program is available from the authors upon request.
WHO. 1977. Use of ionising radiation and radionuclide on human brain, for medical research, training and non medical purposes. World Health Organisation TechÂnical report Series 611, Geneva.