Sains Malaysiana 40(12)(2011): 1429–1435


Thermal Dispersion Effect on Fully Developed Free Convection of Nanofluids in a Vertical Channel

(Kesan Serakan Terma Nanobendalir Olakan Bebas Terbentuk Sepenuhnya dalam Saluran Mengufuk)


Teodor Grosan*

Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, Babes-Bolyai University of Cluj, 3400 Cluj, Romania


Received: 24 November 2010 / Accepted: 21 May 2011




The effect of thermal dispersion on the steady free convection flow of a nanofluid in a vertical channel is investigated numerically using a single phase model. Considering the laminar and fully developed flow regime a simplified mathematical model is obtained. In the particular cases when solid phase and thermal dispersion effects are neglected the problem was solved analytically. The numerical solution is shown to be in excellent agreement with the close form analytical solution. Nusselt number enhancement with the Grashof number, volume fraction and thermal diffusivity constant increasing has been found.


Keywords: Free convection; fully developed; nanofluid; thermal dispersion




Kesan serakan terma pada aliran olakan bebas mantap dalam saluran mengufuk dikaji secara bernombor menggunakan model fasa tunggal. Dengan mengandaikan satu laminar dan regim aliran terbentuk bebas, satu model matematik ringkas telah diperoleh. Dalam kes-kes apabila fasa pepejal dan kesan serakan terma diabaikan, masalah ini dapat diselesaikan secara analitik. Penyelesaian bernombor dan penyelesian analitik didapati bersetuju dengan baik. Peningkatan nombor Nusselt dengan nombor Grashof, pecahan isipadu dan peningkatan pemalar keresapan terma telah diperoleh.


Kata kunci: Nanobendalir; olakan bebas; serakan terma; terbentuk sepenuhnya





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