Sains Malaysiana 42(10)(2013): 1425–1430
First Record of Mixed-species Heron
Colony: Cattle Egret (Bubulcus ibis), Squacco Heron (Ardeola ralloides) and Little Egret (Egretta garzetta) Breeding at Famagusta Freshwater Lake
in Cyprus
(Rekod Pertama bagi Koloni Heron Spesies Bercampur: Bangau Lembu (Bubulcus ibis), Heron Squako (Ardeola ralloides) dan Bangau Kecil (Egretta garzetta) Membiak di Tasik Air Tawar Famagusta di
Iris Charalambidou, Department of Life and Health Sciences, School
of Sciences and Engineering, University of Nicosia, Cyprus
S. Gucel
Institute of
Earth, Ocean, Atmosphere and Environmental Sciences, Near East University,
Nicosia, Cyprus
Received: 10
March 2013/Accepted: 12 May 2013
This study constitutes the
first record of a mixed-species heron colony and of a breeding population of Squacco Heron (Ardeola ralloides) in Cyprus. The colony, located at Famagusta
Freshwater Lake, was surveyed from March to June 2007. The survey
were terminated after 25 June when it was not possible to boat to the
colony due to decreasing water levels. The total number of active nests, i.e.
containing eggs and/or hatchlings, was 135 for Cattle Egret (Bubulcus ibis); 38 for Squacco Heron and 4 for Little Egret (Egretta garzetta). Cattle Egrets started nest building and egg
laying at the beginning of March and hatching started by the end of March.
Egg-laying and hatching continued throughout June, possibly due to second
broods. Mean clutch size was 3.5±0.8 eggs (range 1-5; n=135). Mean
hatching success was 2.9±1 hatched egg per nest (range = 1-5; n=54) and
mean breeding success was 2.8±1 chick per nest (range = 0-5; n=36) for
chicks surviving up to 15 days after hatching. Squacco Herons started nest building and egg laying by the end of May and hatching
started by mid June. Egg-laying and hatching
continued throughout June and probably in July and August. As surveys were
terminated in June, it was not possible to collect sufficient data on the
breeding chronology of this species. Mean clutch size was 3.1 ± 0.8 egg (range
2-4; n=38), which was lower than European estimates. A multitude of
activities at and around Famagusta Freshwater Lake pose potential threats to
the conservation of the colony resulting in an urgent need for management of
the wetland.
Keywords: Breeding success;
Cattle Egret; clutch size; Famagusta Freshwater Lake; hatching success; Squacco Heron
Kajian ini merupakan rekod pertama bagi koloni heron spesies bercampur dan bagi suatu populasi membiak heron squako (Ardeola ralloides) di Cyprus. Koloni ini terletak di Tasik Air Tawar Famagusta, telah ditinjau dari Mac hingga Jun 2007. Adalah tidak mungkin untuk meninjau selepas 25 Jun kerana paras air berada di bawah koloni. Jumlah bilangan sarang aktif iaitu yang mengandungi telur dan/atau anak ialah 135 bagi bangau lembu (Bubulcus ibis);
38 bagi heron squako dan 4 bagi bangau kecil (Egretta garzetta). Bangau lembu mula membuat sarang dan bertelur pada awal Mac dan anak mulai menetas pada akhir Mac. Bertelur dan menetas berlangsung sepanjang Jun, mungkin disebabkan oleh setarang kedua. Min saiz tarangi adalah 3.5±0.8 telur (julat 1-5; n=135). Min kejayaan menetas ialah 2.9±1, telur tetas per sarang (julat = 1-5; n=54) dan min kejayaan membiak ialah 2.8±1 anak per sarang (julat = 0-5; n=36) bagi anak yang mandiri sehingga 15 hari selepas menetas. Heron squako mula membuat sarang dan bertelur di akhir Mei dan menetas pada pertengahan Jun. Bertelur dan menetas terus sepanjang Jun dan mungkin berterusan ke Julai dan Ogos. Oleh kerana tinjauan berakhir pada bulan Jun, tidak mungkin untuk mengutip data yang cukup mengenai kronologi pembiakan bagi spesies ini. Min saiz setarang ialah 3.1 ± 0.8 telur (julat 2-4; n=38), yang lebih rendah daripada anggaran Eropah. Banyak kegiatan berlaku di tasik dan sekeliling Tasik Air Tawar Famagusta telah memberi potensi ancaman kepada pemuliharaan koloni bagi menghasilkan keperluan mendadak bagi pengurusan tanah bencah.
Kata kunci: Bangau lembu; heron squako; kejayaan menetas; kejayaan membiak; saiz tarang; Tasik Air Tawar Famagusta
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