Sains Malaysiana 44(7)(2015): 947–955
Cultivation and Morphological Studies of Four Chaetoceros
Taxa from the Coastal Waters of Pahang, Malaysia
Tulen dan Kajian Morfologi Empat Takson Chaetoceros
dari Persisiran
Pantai Pahang, Malaysia)
1Institut Kesihatan Umum, Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia,
Jalan Bangsar, 50590 Kuala Lumpur
2Kulliyyah of Science,
International Islamic University Malaysia, Jalan
Istana, Bandar Indera Mahkota,
25200 Kuantan, Pahang Darul Makmur, Malaysia
Received: 1 December
2013/Accepted: 2 February 2015
This study was conducted to
study the morphological features of species under the genus Chaetoceros isolated from the coastal waters of
Pahang, Malaysia. The species were isolated, cultivated and viewed
under light microscope (LM) and scanning electron microscope (SEM).
Four taxa were successfully isolated and cultivated in pure culture,
namely Chaetoceros affinis var. affinis, Chaetoceros affinis var. willei, Chaetoceros anastomosans and
Chaetoceros baculites. Both varieties
of C. affinis were considered as
distinct taxa where both strains can be distinguished based on morphological
characteristics. C. affinis var.
affinis has a thick cell wall compared with C. affinis var. willei. C.
anastomosans has special features including
a silica bar on the intersection of setae and the production of
mucous. The length of the aperture opening is a new record from
this study. The new record obtained for C. baculites
includes the size of the aperture, the terminal setae, spinal
arrangement, the thinness of the cell wall
and the location of the species in tropical waters. Detailed data
on each species will be added to the taxonomic information for future
Keywords: Chaetoceros; coastal water; LM;
morphology; SEM
Kajian ini dijalankan untuk
mengkaji ciri morfologi spesies di bawah genus Chaetoceros
yang diasingkan dari pesisir pantai Pahang, Malaysia. Kesemua
spesies dipencil, dikultur dan diperiksa melalui miskroskop cahaya
dan mikroskop elektron imbasan (SEM). Empat takson telah berjaya
dipencilkan dan dikulturkan kepada kultur tulen, iaitu Chaetoceros
affinis var. affinis, Chaetoceros affinis var.
willei, Chaetoceros anastomosans, dan Chaetoceros
baculites. Kedua-dua varieti C. affinis dikategorikan
sebagai takson terdekat dengan kedua-dua strain boleh dibezakan
berdasarkan ciri morfologi. C. affinis var. affinis mempunyai
dinding sel yang tebal berbanding C. affinis var. willei.
C. anastomosans mempunyai ciri-ciri istimewa iaitu bar silika
di persilangan seta dan penghasilan mukus. Panjang bukaan merupakan
rekod terbaru di dalam kajian ini. Rekod terbaru diperoleh bagi
C. baculites yang merangkumi saiz bukaan, seta utama, susunan
duri dan kenipisan dinding sel dan spesies ini dijumpai di kawasan
tropika. Keperincian data untuk setiap spesies akan ditambah ke
dalam informasi taksonomi untuk kajian masa hadapan.
Kata kunci: Chaetoceros; LM;
morfologi; pesisiran
pantai; SEM
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