Sains Malaysiana 45(1)(2016): 59–69
Improvement of Indoor Air Quality Using
Local Fabricated Activated Carbon from Date Stones
(Penambahbaikan Kualiti Udara Dalaman Menggunakan
Fabrikasi Karbon Aktif Tempatan
Daripada Biji Kurma)
& M.T. AMIN2*
1Department of Civil and Environmental
Engineering, College of Engineering,
King Faisal University (KFU), P.
O. Box 380, Al-Hofuf, Al-Ahsa 31982, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
2Alamoudi Water Research Chair, King
Saud University, P.O. Box 2460
Riyadh 11451, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Received: 28 June 2014/Accepted:
9 November 2014
Indoor air quality assessment
in residential areas of Al-Hofuf city/Eastern region of Saudi Arabia
is investigated through a multi-week multiple sites sampling survey.
Critical air pollution indicators, including nitrogen dioxide (NO2),
sulfur dioxide (SO2), carbon monoxide (CO),
carbon dioxide (CO2) and total volatile organic compounds
(TVOC) as well as temperatures were measured and analyzed
during the study period from January to May 2014. Three site-types
- roadside, urban and rural - were selected and within each site
type, six locations were selected to study the varying indoor/outdoor
air quality. The results indicated that NO2 and CO concentrations
increased at the starting hours of the day. SO2 concentrations
were relatively low and constant. In addition, a strong association
between outdoor and indoor air quality was found. Measurements showed
that indoor/outdoor ratio for TVOC ranged from 0.8 to 0.99. For CO2,
NO2 and SO2,
this was 0.92-1.15, 0.5-0.7 and 0.52-0.9, respectively. Finally,
the effects of activated carbon (AC) were investigated to assess the extent
of the improvement in the indoor air quality. The analysis of data
obtained indicated that using locally prepared AC from
date stones was an effective way to reduce the indoor air pollution
with an overall efficiency of 85.5, while the use of industrial
granular AC reduced the air pollutants with an efficiency of less
than 0.6. In addition, AC
was exposed to an exhaust gas flow to evaluate its
elimination potential for high concentrated pollutants. The obtained
results demonstrated that AC was
also functioning as an efficient absorbent with an overall removal
efficiency of 77.8%, even when it was exposed to high concentrations.
Keywords: Activated carbon;
air pollution; date stones; indoor/outdoor concentrations and ratios;
Saudi Arabia
Penilaian kualiti udara dalaman
di kawasan perumahan bandar Al-Hofuf rantau/bahagian Timur Arab
Saudi dikaji selama beberapa minggu di beberapa tapak kajian persampelan.
Penunjuk pencemaran udara kritikal termasuk nitrogen dioksida (NO2),
sulfur dioksida (SO2), karbon monoksida (CO), karbon
dioksida (CO2) dan jumlah sebatian organik
meruap (TVOC) dan juga suhu diukur dan dianalisis dalam tempoh kajian
daripada Januari-Mei 2014. Tiga jenis tapak - sisi jalan, bandar
dan luar bandar telah dipilih dan dalam setiap jenis tapak, enam
lokasi dipilih untuk mengkaji kualiti udara dalaman/luaran yang
berbeza. Keputusan menunjukkan bahawa kepekatan NO2 dan
meningkat pada permulaan hari. Kepekatan SO2 secara
relatifnya rendah dan tetap. Di samping itu, perkaitan yang kuat
antara kualiti udara luaran dan dalaman telah diperoleh. Pengukuran
menunjukkan bahawa nisbah dalaman/luaran untuk TVOC adalah antara nisbah 0.8-0.99. Untuk
CO2, NO2 dan
SO2, pula masing-masing adalah 0.92-1.15, 0.5 -0.7 dan
0.52-0.9. Akhirnya, kesan karbon diaktifkan (AC)
telah dikaji untuk menilai sejauh mana peningkatan kualiti udara
dalaman. Analisis data yang diperoleh menunjukkan bahawa penggunaan
AC tempatan
yang diperbuat daripada biji kurma adalah cara yang berkesan untuk
mengurangkan pencemaran udara dalaman dengan kecekapan keseluruhan
85.5, manakala penggunaan perindustrian berbutir AC mengurangkan pencemaran udara dengan
kecekapan kurang daripada 0.6. Di samping itu, AC juga
terdedah kepada aliran gas ekzos untuk menilai potensi penyingkiran
untuk pencemar tertumpu tinggi. Keputusan yang diperoleh menunjukkan
bahawa AC
juga berfungsi sebagai penyerap yang cekap dengan
kecekapan penyingkiran keseluruhan 77.8%, walaupun ia telah didedahkan
kepada kepekatan yang tinggi.
Kata kunci: Arab Saudi; biji kurma; karbon diaktifkan; kepekatan
dalaman/luaran dan nisbah; pencemaran udara
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