Sains Malaysiana 47(2)(2018): 269-276
Different Water and Nitrogen Level Effects on Soil
Microbial Properties of Spinach
(Kesan Perbezaan Tahap Air
dan Nitrogen ke atas Sifat Tanah Mikrob Bayam)
Jinxiu Zhang, Zhenning Liang, Chuansheng
Wang*, Shaoming Li & Dongmei Jiao
College of Mechanical and
Electrical Engineering, Qingdao University of Science and Technology
Qingdao Shandong 266061, China
Received: 16 May 2017/Accepted: 22 July 2017
Understanding the interactions of
plant soil environment and rhizosphere microbial changes are necessary to
develop new strategies for the sustainable agriculture. A field experiment with
combination of three water levels and three nitrogen rates was conducted to
investigate the effect of water and nitrogen management on the changes of soil
microbial properties in non-rhizosphere and rhizosphere soils of spinach. Non-Rhizosphere
and rhizosphere microbial diversities were affected by water and nitrogen
applications. Evenness index in the no-nitrogen treatment was more than that of
85 and 170 kg ha-1 nitrogen treatments in the non-rhizosphere or
rhizosphere soil. Microbial biomass carbon in non-rhizosphere soil or
rhizosphere soil decreased with the increase of nitrogen application, but
showed the highest value in 16.5% of soil water content, followed by 12.5% and
20.5% of soil water content. Soil microbial biomass phosphorus content of 85 kg
ha-1 nitrogen treatment in the non-rhizosphere soil or rhizosphere
soil was significantly different for 0 and 170 kg ha-1 nitrogen
treatments. Nitrification rate increased with the increase of soil water
content in 0 and 170 kg ha-1 treatments. Our results
demonstrated that water and nitrogen could impact the soil fertility and
microbial activity of spinach.
Microbial diversity; nitrogen fertilizer; rhizosphere;
quality; water
Memahami interaksi perubahan
tanah tanaman alam sekitar dan rizosfera mikrob adalah perlu untuk membangunkan
strategi baru untuk sektor pertanian yang mampan. Kajian lapangan dengan
kombinasi tiga paras air dan tiga kadar nitrogen dijalankan untuk mengkaji
kesan pengurusan air dan nitrogen terhadap perubahan sifat mikrob tanah dalam tanih
bukan rizosfera dan rizosfera bayam. Kepelbagaian mikrob bukan rizosfera dan
rizosfera terjejas oleh aplikasi air dan nitrogen. Indeks kesamaan dalam
rawatan tanpa nitrogen adalah lebih 85 dan 170 kg ha-1 daripada rawatan
nitrogen dalam tanah- rizosfera atau rizosfera. Karbon biojisim mikrob dalam
tanah bukan rizosfera atau rizosfera menurun dengan peningkatan aplikasi
nitrogen, tetapi menunjukkan nilai tertinggi pada 16.5% daripada kandungan air
dalam tanah, diikuti 12.5% dan 20.5% kandungan air dalam tanah. Kandungan tanah
fosforus biojisim mikrob sebanyak 85 kg ha-1 rawatan nitrogen dalam
tanah bukan rizosfera atau rizosfera tanah adalah berbeza bagi untuk 0 dan 170
kg ha-1 rawatan nitrogen. Kadar nitrifikasi meningkat dengan
peningkatan rawatan kandungan air dalam tanah pada 0 dan 170 kg ha-1.
Keputusan kami menunjukkan bahawa air dan nitrogen boleh memberi kesan kepada
kesuburan tanah dan aktiviti mikrob bayam.
Kata kunci: Air; baja nitrogen; kepelbagaian mikrob; kualiti tanah; rizosfera
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