Sains Malaysiana 48(3)(2019):
Coconut Oil Based Microemulsion Formulations for Hair Care Product Application
Berasaskan Minyak
Kelapa untuk Kegunaan
Produk Penjagaan
for Advanced Materials and Renewable Resources, Faculty of Science
and Technology, Universiti Kebangsaan
Malaysia, 46300 UKM Bangi, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia
15 September 2018/Accepted: 28 November 2018
Coconut oil in microemulsion is a better option than conventional practice
since it can incorporate bioactive ingredients with a stable control
release property, especially for hair care products. This work aims
to develop microemulsion systems based on coconut oil with the addition
of Tween 20, Tween 40, and Tween 80 as non-ionic surfactants (S),
and propylene glycol as a co-surfactant (CoS).
The determination of microemulsion regions
in the ternary phase diagram was carried out by water titration
method and the properties of the microemulsion
were analysed. Based on the results, the
microemulsion system of coconut oil with
Tween 80 produced the largest microemulsion
region compared to Tween 40 and Tween 20. Microemulsion
systems of coconut oil/Tween 80 with the addition of propylene glycol
with the ratio of S/CoS at Km = 3:1, 2:1,
and 1:1 resulted in a decrement of microemulsion
regions compared to using merely Tween 80. The microemulsion
system of coconut oil/Tween 80/water at the ratio of oil: surfactant
= 1:9 was chosen for further characterisations.
Viscosity and electrical conductivity studies showed that the microemulsion
system was water-in-oil (w/o) type as there was no phase transition
to bicontinuous (BC) or oil-in-water (o/w) type
due to low percentage of water content. Stability studies showed
that the microemulsion system remained clear and stable at 25 and 40°C
upon one-month storage except at 4°C where the system became cloudy
and turbid. For particle size analysis, the microemulsion
system possessed particle size less than 100 nm.
Keywords: Coconut oil; microemulsion; ternary phase diagram; Tween surfactants
Minyak kelapa sebagai mikroemulsi adalah lebih baik daripada
penggunaannya secara
konvensional kerana ia dapat menambah
bahan bioaktif
untuk dilepaskan dalam keadaan terkawal
dan stabil untuk kegunaan produk penjagaan rambut. Tujuan kajian ini dijalankan
adalah untuk
menghasilkan sistem mikroemulsi berasaskan minyak kelapa dengan
surfaktan jenis
Tween 20, Tween 40 dan Tween 80 sebagai
surfaktan bukan
ionik (S) dan penambahan
propilena glikol
sebagai ko-surfaktan (CoS). Rantau pembentukan
mikroemulsi pada
rajah fasa ternari ditentukan
dengan menggunakan
kaedah penitratan air dan sifat mikroemulsi
tersebut dianalisis.
Keputusan menunjukkan sistem mikroemulsi minyak kelapa dengan
Tween 80 menghasilkan rantau
mikroemulsi paling luas
berbanding Tween 40 dan Tween 20.
Sistem mikroemulsi
minyak kelapa/Tween 80 dengan penambahan propilena glikol dengan nisbah S/KoS pada Km=3:1, 2:1 dan 1:1 menunjukkan pengurangan rantau mikroemulsi berbanding menggunakan Tween 80 secara tunggal. Sistem mikroemulsi minyak kelapa/Tween 80/air pada nisbah minyak:surfaktan=1:9
dipilih bagi
pencirian selanjutnya. Ujian konduktiviti elektrik dan kelikatan
menunjukkan jenis
sistem mikroemulsi air-dalam-minyak (w/o) dan tiada fasa
transisi kepada
sistem dwiselanjar (BC)
disebabkan kandungan
peratusan air yang rendah. Ujian kestabilan menunjukkan sistem mikroemulsi kekal jernih dan stabil
pada suhu penyimpanan 25ºC dan 40ºC selama sebulan kecuali pada suhu
4°C kerana sistem
menjadi kabur dan
keruh. Bagi
analisis saiz zarah,
sistem mikroemulsi
mempunyai saiz zarah kurang daripada
100 nm.
Kata kunci: Mikroemulsi;
minyak kelapa;
rajah fasa ternary; surfaktan Tween
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