Sains Malaysiana 31: 189-196 (2002)                                                                                           Sains Hayat /

Life Science


Pengklonan cDNA Berkait Pemasakan Buah Cili

(Cloning of cDNA related to ripening of chilli)



Zamri Zainal

Pusat Pengajian BioSains dan Bioteknologi

Fakulti Sains dan Teknologi

Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia

43600 UKM Bangi, Selangor D.E., Malaysia






Proses pemasakan buah melibatkan beberapa perubahan yang ketara, antaranya perubahan warna, perisa dan tekstur. Perubahan ini mempunyai nilai ekonomi serta menjadi indek kualiti tahap pemakanan buah tersebut. Setiap perubahan ini diatur oleh gen yang mana boleh diklon dan dikaji. Dalam kajian ini sebuah perpustakaan cDNA dari tisu perikarpa buah cili (Capsicum annuum L.) telah berjaya dibina. Perpustakaan ini mengandungi sebanyak 1.84 X 106 faj rekombinan. Kejayaan ini akan membuka ruang kajian terhadap mekanisma pemasakan cili di peringkat molekul.





Fruit ripening is a complex process and involves several changes including colour, flavour and texture of the fruits. These changes have a significant economic values and are used as an eating quality index. The changes are regulated at the gene level. The genes that cause such changes can be cloned and further studied. The paper reported, the construction of a cDNA library from tissues of the chilli (Capsicum annuum L.) pericarp at different stages of ripening. The cDNA library consists of approximately 1.84 X 106 of phage recombinants. This finding will open up research opportunities related to the mechanism of ripening in chilli at the molecular level.





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