Sains Malaysiana 33(2):1-8 (2004)                                                                                 Sains Fizis dan Gunaan /

Physical and Applied Sciences


Pendopan Kimia Poli(4,4' -Difenilena Difenilvinilena

(Chemical Doping of Ply(4,4’-Diphenylene Diphenylvinylene)



Rusli Daik & Quek May Fung

Pusat Pengajian Sains Kimia dan Teknologi Makanan

Fakulti Sains dan Teknologi

Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia

43600 UKM Bangi, Selangor D.E.Malaysia






Poli(4,4'-difenilena difenilvinilena) telah disintesis daripada 4,4'­-dibenzoilbifenil menggunakan TiCl4 dan serbuk zink masing-masing sebagai mangkin dan agen penurun di dalam THF. 4,4'-Dibenzoilbijenil telah disediakan melalui tindak balas Friedel-Crafts daripada benzoilklorida dan bijenil sebagai bahan mula dan AlCl3 kontang sebagai mangkin. Analisis unsur, kromatogram GCMS, spektrum FTIR dan penentuan takat lebur menunjukkan sebatian 4,4' -dibenzoilbifenil telah berjaya diperolehi dengan ketulenan 100%. Polimer telah berjaya disintesis dengan pengumpulan semula bahan sebanyak 72%. Suhu peralihan kaca, Tg dan suhu penguraian terma, Td bagi polimer masing-masing adalah 196°C dan 465°C. Kromatografi penelapan gel menunjukkan polimer yang dihasilkan mempunyai jisim molekul purata nombor dan jisim molekul purata berat masing-masing adalah 7,400 g/mol dan 15,500 g/mol. Kekonduksian polimer asal adalah 8.3 x 10-11 Scm-1, manakala kekonduksian maksimum polimer terdop LiClO4 dan iodin masing-masing adalah 1.7 x 10-7 Scm-I (peningkatan sebanyak 2007 kali ganda) dan 5.5 x 10-9 Scm-1 (peningkatan sebanyak 66 kali ganda) dengan kandungan agen pendop optimum sebanyak 18. 75% dan 37.50%.





Poly(4,4'-diphenylene diphenylvinylene) was synthesised from 4,4'­ dibenzoylbiphenyl with TiCl4 and zinc dust as the catalyst and reducing agent respectively in THF. 4,4' -Dibenzoylbiphenyl was prepared via Friedel-Crafts reaction with benzoylchloride and biphenyl as starting materials. The cata­lyst used was anhydrous AlCl3 Elemental analysis, GCMS chromatogram, FTIR spectrum and melting point measurement indicated that 4,4'­dibenzoylbiphenyl was obtained with 100% purity. The polymer was success­fully obtained with mass recovery of  72%. Glass transition, Tg and degrada­tion, temperature, Td found were 196°C and 465°C, respectively. Number average molecular weight and weight average molecular weight found were 7,400 g/mol and 15,500 g/mol as measured by using gel permeation chroma­tography. Conductivity of the pristine polymer was 8.3 x 10-11 Scm-I, whereas maximum conductivity found for LiCLO4 and iodine doped samples were 1.7 x 10-7  Scm-1 (2007 fold increase) and 5.5 x 10-9 Scm-1 (66 fold increase) with 18.75% and 37.50% of optimum doping contents respectively.





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