Sains Malaysiana 36(2): 97-103 (2007)
Concentration of Insecticides Cypermethrin Isomer in Total Suspended Particulate in Air of Cameron Highlands,
Pahang, Malaysia
(Kepekatan Insektisid Isomer Cybermetrin pada Zarahan Termendap
di Udara Cameron Highlands, Pahang, Malaysia)
Norela Sulaiman, Toh Lee Fong, Hazzila Abdul Samat,
Ismail Sahid & Maimon Abdullah
School of Environment and Natural Resources Sciences
Faculty Science and Technology, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
43600 UKM Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia
Mohd. Rozali Othman
School of Chemical Sciences and Food Technology
Faculty Science and Technology, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
43600 UKM Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia
Received : 11 January 2007 / Accepted: 28 February 2007
This study was carried out to determine the concentrations of cypermethrin in total suspended particulate in air in several farming areas of Cameron Highlands. Samples of total suspended particulate were collected using a high volume air sampler (Model Graseby) from six different sampling sites around Cameron Highlands. Laboratory analysis of total suspended particulate was conducted by the standard method. High dosages of cypermethrin were used by farmers in the dry season. Results of the study showed that the concentrations of cypermethrin in total suspended particulate in the air samples were higher during the dry season (May-July 2004) compared to the rainy season (September-October 2004). There was a significant positive correlation between the concentrations of cypermethrin and total suspended particulate (p<0.05).
Keywords: Cypermethrin; suspended particulate in air
Kajian ini telah dijalankan untuk menentukan kepekatan cypermethrin dalam jumlah zarahan terampai di udara di beberapa kawasan pertanian di Cameron Highlands. Sampel bagi jumlah zarahan terampai di udara diperolehi dengan menggunakan alat persampel udara isipadu tinggi (Model Graseby) dari enam kawasan persampelan di sekitar Cameron Highlands. Analisis jumlah zarahan terampai dilakukan mengikut kaedah piawai. Cipermetrin telah digunakan pada kadar yang tinggi oleh para petani di musim kering. Hasil analisis di makmal mendapati bahawa cypermethrin adalah lebih tinggi pada musim kering (Mei-Julai) berbanding dengan musim hujan (September-Oktober) dalam jumlah zarahan terampai dalam sampel udara. Terdapat kolerasi signifikan di antara kepekatan cypermethrin dengan kepekatan jumlah zarahan terampai (p<0.05).
Kata kunci: Cipermethrin; zarahan terampai di udara
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