Sains Malaysiana 37(2):  149-153(2008)


Fatty Acids Composition of Selected Farmed

and Wild Freshwater Fishes

(Komposisi Asid Lemak dalam Ikan Air Tawar Ternak dan Liar Terpilih)



Jumat Salimon & Nurasyikin Abdul Rahman

Oleochemistry Programme, School of Chemical Sciences and Food Technology

Faculty of Science and Technology, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia

43600 UKM Bangi, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia



Received: 29 March 2007 / Accepted: 24 August 2007





Crude fat and fatty acids composition were examined in 16 different species of Malaysian freshwater fishes.   Nine species of farmed and seven species of wild fishes lipids were extracted using chloroform: methanol sohxlet extraction. The results showed that the crude lipids in muscle of farmed fishes were higher than the wild fishes, ranging from 20 - 50 % (wt/wt) and 4 – 15 % (wt/wt) respectively.  Asian red-tail catfish showed highest total lipid among other fishes which was of 51.64 % (wt/wt), followed by red pomfret and yellow-tail catfish which were of 46.2% and 43.2% respectively.  Eicosapentaenoic acid, EPA and docosahexaenoic acid, DHA in wild fishes were found higher compared to captive fish. Among the fishes studied, grey feather back contain high in EPA (2.9%) and DHA (12.1%) as well as snakeskin gouramy (EPA; 3.0% and DHA; 12.8%) and tengalan (EPA; 1.1% and DHA; 7.2%).   Other fishes, on the other hand contain less percentage in w-3 fatty acids.  The diet and the environment where the fishes were found are the main reason for the differences in fish fatty acids content.


Keywords:  Fish oil; w-3 fatty acids; EPA and DHA; farmed and wild fish





Lemak kasar dan komposisi asid lemak telah dikaji dalam 16 jenis ikan air tawar di Malaysia.  Sebanyak 9 ikan ternak dan 9 jenis ikan liar telah diekstrak kandungan lipid dengan menggunakan kaedah pengekstrakan soklet pelarut kloroform: metanol.  Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahwa jumlah lipid dalam isi ikan ternakan lebih tinggi dari ikan liar, dalam julat 20 - 50 % (bt/bt) dan 4 – 15 % (bt/bt) masing-masing.  Ikan baong menunjukkan kandungan lipid jumlah tertinggi berbanding ikan kajian lain iaitu sebanyak 51.64%, diikuti oleh ikan bawal merah dan ikan patin dengan peratusan sebanyak 46.2% dan 43.2% masing-masing.  Kandungan asid eicosapentaenoik, EPA and asid docosaheksaenoik, DHA adalah tinggi dalam ikan liar berbanding dengan ikan ternakan.  Antara spesies ikan dikaji, ikan belida menunjukkan kandungan EPA (2.9%) dan DHA yang tinggi (12.1%), diikuti oleh sepat siam (EPA; 3.0% dan DHA; 12.8%) dan tengalan (EPA; 1.1% dan DHA; 7.2%).   Ikan-ikan lain sebaliknya menggandungi asid w-3 dalam peratusan yang rendah.  Persekitaran dan diet ikan di mana ianya ditemui menjadi faktor utama dalam perbezaan kandungan asid lemak tersebut.


Kata kunci:  Minyak ikan; asid lemak w-3; EPA and DHA; ikan ternak dan liar





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