Sains Malaysiana 38(2): 177-183(2009)


Properties of Coating Systems During the Initial Period of Deep-Fat Frying as

Affected by Flour Type, Temperature and Pressure

(Ciri Sistem Salutan Semasa Tahap Awal Penggorengan Sebagaimana Dipengaruhi

 Oleh Jenis Tepung, Suhu dan Tekanan)



Salma Mohamad Yusop, Mohamad Yusof Maskat,

Wan Aida Wan Mustapha & Aminah Abdullah

Food Science Program, School of Chemical Sciences and Food Technology

Faculty of Science and Technology, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia

43600 UKM Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia



Received:   27 July 2007 / Accepted:   12 July 2008





This study was carried out to determine the properties of coatings made from wheat, rice and sago flour when fried under different frying temperature and pressure during the initial period of deep-fat frying. Three types of batter made from wheat, rice and sago flour were prepared by mixing each flour with water at a ratio of 1:1.2 (flour: water). Poultry nuggets were dipped in the prepared batter and fried for 0, 6, 18 and 30 seconds at three frying temperatures (150, 165, 180°C) and two frying pressures (102 and 156 kPa). Results showed that the frying pressure applied did not produce any significant effect on moisture content, normalized moisture loss and fat content up to 30 seconds of frying. All parameters except moisture content of the coating region were significantly (p<0.05) affected by flour type. Coating from sago flour produced the highest normalized moisture loss and fat content compared to other flour.


Keywords : Coating; frying, flour type; pressure; temperature





Kajian ini telah dijalankan untuk menentukan sifat salutan daripada tepung gandum, beras dan sagu apabila digoreng menggunakan suhu dan tekanan penggorengan yang berbeza semasa peringkat awal penggorengan. Tiga jenis cecair penyalut daripada tepung gandum, beras dan sagu telah disediakan dengan mencampurkan setiap jenis tepung dengan air pada nisbah 1:1.2 (tepung: air). Nuget ayam dicelupkan ke dalam cecair salutan dan digoreng selama 0, 6, 18 dan 30 saat pada tiga suhu penggorengan (150, 165, 180oC) dan dua tekanan penggorengan (102 dan 156 kPa). Keputusan menunjukkan tekanan penggorengan yang digunakan tidak memberikan kesan yang bererti terhadap kandungan lembapan, kandungan lembapan ternormal dan kandungan lemak sehingga 30 saat penggorengan. Semua parameter melainkan kandungan lembapan bahagian salutan dipengaruhi secara bererti (p<0.05) oleh jenis tepung. Salutan daripada tepung sagu menghasilkan kehilangan lembapan ternormal dan kandungan lemak yang paling tinggi berbanding jenis tepung yang lain.


Kata kunci : Jenis tepung; penggorengan; salutan; suhu; tekanan



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