Sains Malaysiana 40(6)(2011): 537–542
Quantity and Quality of Groundwater in Fractured Metasedimentary Rocks of the West Coast of Peninsular
(Kualiti dan Kuantiti Air Bawah Tanah di batuan Metasedimen Terekah Pantai Barat Semenanjung Malaysia)
Nasiman Sapari*1, Raja Zainariah Raja Azie2 & Hisyam Jusoh1
1Department of Civil
Engineering, Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS
Seri Iskandar, 31750, Tronoh,
Perak Darul Ridzuan, Malaysia
2Raja Zainariah Raja Azie
6 Jalan IB 4, Taman Iskandar Bistari
Perak Darul Ridzuan, Malaysia
Diserahkan: 1 April 2010 / Diterima: 29
September 2010
Groundwater in fractured metasedimentary rock in Malaysia is a potential source of water for drinking and industrial
uses. Industries including agricultural processing, mineral water bottling,
manufacturing and golf courses pumped the water from the underlying fractured
rocks. Fifty eight tubewells belong to private
companies operating in various places in West Coast of Peninsular Malaysia were
evaluated for their yield and quality of water. Rotary percussion methods were
used for the drilling to a maximum depth of 200 m. The productivity of the wells
and the characteristics of the aquifer were evaluated by pumping test using
both the constant discharge rate and steps drawdown methods. The average yield
of the wells at allowable drawdown of 40 m was found to be 416 m3 per
day. Results from water quality analysis indicated that the water was fresh
with an average total dissolved solids (TDS) concentration of 101 to
150 mg/L. The hardness of the water varies from as low as 13 mg/L to a maximum
of 353 mg/L. On the average, the water was moderately hard with the average
hardness value of 80 mg/L. The water facies of the
groundwater was found to be of calcium-sodium-bicarbonate water.
Keywords: Fractured metasedimentary rock; groundwater productivity; tubewell; water
quality; water supply
Air bawah tanah di dalam batuan metasedimen di Malaysia yang terekah adalah sumber air berpotensi untuk air minuman dan kegunaan industri. Industri pertanian, pembotolan mineral
air, pembuatan dan padang-padang golf adalah di antara industri yang mengambil air tersebut daripada batuan terekah. Sebanyak lima puluh lapan telaga tiub kepunyaan syarikat-syarikat swasta yang beroperasi di beberapa tempat di pantai barat Semenanjung Malaysia telah diperiksa tentang penghasilan dan kualiti airnya. Penggerudian dengan kaedah putaran tekanan udara telah digunakan untuk membina telaga sehingga kedalaman maksimum 200 m. Produktiviti telaga tiub dan ciri-ciri akuifernya telah dinilai dengan kaedah ujian pengepaman menggunakan kadar aliran dan surutan berperingkat. Purata pengeluaran air dari telaga-telaga pada surutan 40 m yang dibenarkan ialah 416 m3 sehari. Keputusan daripada analisis kualiti air menunjukkan bahawa air tersebut ialah air tawar dengan purata jumlah kepekatan pepejal-pepejal terlarut sebanyak 101 hingga 150 mg/L. Kekerasan air itu berubah daripada serendah 13 mg/L hingga ke tahap maksimum 353 mg/L. Secara purata,
air tersebut mempunyai kekerasan dengan nilai puratanya adalah 80 mg/L. Fasis air dari sumber batuan metasedimen terekah didapati tergolong dari jenis air kalsium natrium bikarbonat.
Kata kunci: Batuan metasedimen terekah; bekalan air; kualiti air; produktiviti air bawah tanah; telaga tiub
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*Pengarang untuk surat-menyurat;