Sains Malaysiana 40(9)(2011): 1007–1011
Optimization of a Functional Cookie Formulation by Using
Surface Methodology
Formulasi Suatu Biskut Berfungsi dengan Kaedah Respons Permukaan)
L.Y. Lee, K.S.
Tan & S.L. Liew*
Food Science
Program, School of Chemical Sciences & Food Technology, Faculty of Sciences
& Technology,
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, 43600 Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia
Diserahkan: 16
Jun 2010 /Diterima: 19 Oktober 2010
A functional cookie
formulation containing oligofructose, dietary fibre and lower calorie, fat and
sugar contents than conventional cookies was optimized using Response Surface
Methodology (RSM). Instant N-Oil II was used as a fat replacer, while
Raftilose ®P95 was used as a sugar substitute with the addition of
fructose to enhance sweetness. Selection of the optimal formulation was based
on caloric content. An optimized formulation, V1, was obtained from the model Y
= 4927.70 – 152.34X1 – 155.42X3 +
104.20X32 + 151.71X33 –
95.08X34, where Instant N-Oil II replaced 30%
of butter and 24.4%, w/w (30.5g) fructose replaced 40.0%, w/w (50.0g) sucrose.
Two additional optimized formulations, S1 and S2, were proposed which contained
the same ingredients as V1, but both contained 19.0%, w/w (23.8g) Raftilose ®P95.
Also, S2 had a higher fat replacement level (42%). A reference cookie prepared
from a conventional recipe received significantly higher scores (P < 0.05)
than the functional cookies V1, S1 and S2 in the sensory evaluation. However,
when health benefits of the functional cookies were explained to the panel
after the sensory evaluation had concluded, majority of the panelists stated
that they would prefer S1, had they known of its health benefits. S1 contained
19.04% fat, 8.62% fructose and 0.74% sucrose, namely, significantly lower fat
and sucrose levels and higher fructose content than the conventional cookie.
Keywords: Functional food;
optimization; response surface methodology
Kaedah Respons Permukaan
telah digunakan untuk mendapatkan formulasi optimum bagi menghasilkan biskut
berfungsi yang mengandungi oligofruktosa, gentian diet dan kandungan kalori,
lemak dan gula yang lebih rendah berbanding biskut biasa. Instant N-Oil II
digunakan sebagai pengganti lemak dan Raftilose ®P95
digunakan sebagai pengganti gula. Fruktosa digunakan untuk meningkatkan rasa
manis. Formulasi biskut optimum dipilih berdasarkan kandungan kalorinya.
Formulasi optimum, V1 dihasilkan daripada model Y = 4927.70 – 152.34X1 –
155.42X3 + 104.20X32 +
151.71X33 – 95.08X34 dengan,
Instant N-Oil II menggantikan 30% mentega dan 24.4%, b/b (30.5g) fruktosa
menggantikan 40.0%, b/b (50.0 g) sukrosa. Dua formulasi tambahan telah
dicadangkan berdasarkan model tersebut, iaitu S1 dan S2. Kedua-dua formulasi
ini mengandungi ramuan yang sama seperti V1, tetapi juga mengandungi 19.0%, b/b
(23.8 g) Raftilose ®P95. S2 juga mempunyai paras penggantian lemak yang lebih
tinggi iaitu sebanyak 42%. Sampel biskut rujukan yang disediakan dengan
menggunakan resipi biskut konvensional menerima skor yang lebih tinggi
(P<0.05) dalam ujian penilaian sensori. Walau bagaimanapun, bila ciri-ciri
positif biskut berfungsi dihuraikan kepada ahli panel selepas penilaian sensori
selesai dijalankan, majoriti panel mengatakan bahawa mereka akan memilih biskut
S1 setelah mengetahui ciri-ciri tersebut. Biskut S1 mengandungi 19.04% lemak,
8.62% fruktosa, 0.74% sukrosa serta mempunyai paras lemak dan sukrosa yang
lebih rendah dan paras fruktosa yang lebih tinggi berbanding biskut formulasi
rujukan yang dihasilkan daripada resipi konvensional.
Kata kunci: Kaedah respons permukaan; makanan berfungsi;
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*Pengarang untuk surat-menyurat; email: