Sains Malaysiana 41(11)(2012): 1325–1334
Near Future Climate Projections over the
Red River Delta of Vietnam using
the Regional Climate Model Version 3
(Unjuran Iklim Masa Hadapan
di Kawasan Delta Red River, Vietnam
Menggunakan Regional Climate Model Versi 3)
Thanh Ngo-Duc*, Quang-Trung Nguyen,
Tuan-Long Trinh, Thanh-Hang Vu & Van-Tan Phan
Department of Meteorology, Hanoi
University of Science, Vietnam National University
334 Nguyen Trai, Thanh
Xuan, Hanoi, Vietnam
Van-Cu Pham
International Centre for
Advanced research on Global Change
Vietnam National
University, 144, Xuan Thuyst, Cau Giay, Ha Noi, Vietnam
Diserahkan: 24 Oktober
2011 / Diterima: 7 Jun 2012
This study presents a preliminary
attempt to assess future climate conditions in the Red River Delta (RRD)
region. Outputs of the Community Climate System Model version 3.0 (CCSM3)
are dynamically downscaled using the Regional Climate Model version 3 (RegCM3).
Numerical experiments and analysis are realized for the baseline 1980-1999 and
the future 2030-2049 periods with the A1B and A2 emissions scenarios.
We first examine the capability of the model in simulating the 20 years mean
climate. Temperature and precipitation outputs for the baseline period are
compared with observations at the 17 selected meteorological stations in RRD.
Results show that temperature patterns are fairly well reproduced but with
systematic cold biases. Precipitation is also well simulated during winter -
spring and largely underestimated during summer - autumn. Estimation of the
future changes of temperature and precipitation as compared to those of the
baseline period reveals that annual temperature of the 2030-2049 appears to be
warmer than the baseline temperature of about 1.4±0.2ºC. Summer temperature is
likely to increase faster than winter temperature in the future. We also notice
that precipitation generally decreases throughout the RRD region
except the future JJA rainfall projected by the A2
Keywords: Climate change; dynamical
downscaling; Red River Delta; regCM3
Kajian ini
adalah usaha awal menilai keadaan iklim masa hadapan di kawasan Delta Red River
(RRD). Output
Model Community Climate System versi 3.0 (CCSM3)
diturunskalakan secara dinamik menggunakan Regional Climate Model versi 3
(RegCM3). Eksperimen berangka dan analisis dijalankan bagi tempoh garis dasar
1980-1999 dan masa hadapan 2030-249 dengan senario pembebasan A1B dan
A2. Kebolehan model mensimulasi iklim purata bagi tempoh 20
tahun garis dasar dinilai. Output suhu dan presipitasi
bagi tempoh garis dasar dibandingkan dengan data cerapan dari 17 stesen
meteorologi terpilih di RRD. Keputusan
menunjukkan suhu disimulasi dengan baik tetapi dengan kepincangan sejuk yang
sistematik. Presipitasi disimulasi dengan baik semasa
musim sejuk and bunga tetapi kurang anggaran pada musim panas dan luruh. Anggaran perubahan masa depan suhu dan presipitasi yang dibandingkan dengan
nilai bagi tempoh garis dasar menunjukkan suhu tahunan bagi tempoh 2030-2049
adalah lebih panas 1.4 ± 0.2oC dari pada tempoh garis
dasar. Suhu musim panas berkemungkinan meningkat pada kadar yang lebih cepat berbanding suhu musim sejuk pada masa akan datang. Presipitasi
secara umumnya menurun bagi keseluruhan kawasan RRD kecuali JJA masa akan datang bagi senario A2.
kunci: Penurunskalaan dinamik; perubahan iklim; Red River Delta; regCM3
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