Sains Malaysiana 42(12)(2013): 1819–1826
Sexual Behaviour among Male
Methamphetamine and Heroin Dependents in
Selected Areas
in Malaysia
(Tingkah- laku Seksual dalam Kalangan Lelaki Ketagihan Metamfetamin
dan Heroin di Beberapa Tempat di Malaysia)
1University Malaya Centre of Addiction
Sciences, (UMCAS)
50603 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
2Department of Psychological Medicine, University of Malaya,
50603 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
3Department of Psychiatry, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Medical
56000 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
4Department of Social and Preventive Medicine, University of
50603 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Diserahkan: 18 Februari 2012/Diterima: 21 Jun 2012
This study aims to describe the pattern of sexual behaviour among methamphetamine and heroin users. It
describes the pattern of sexual behaviour based on
aspects of sex such as desire, interest, drive and obsession in relation to the
drug use. A cross-sectional study was carried out among attendees of drug
rehabilitation programmes in Kota Kinabalu,
Kota Bharu and Kuala Lumpur. All subjects were living
in the community with satisfactory psychosocial functioning. This study was
primarily based on a validated sexual behaviour self-rated questionnaire followed by face-to-face interview. A total of 227
subjects were included with 124 (54.6%) using methamphetamine while 103 (45.4%)
using heroin. Majority (218; 96%) were heterosexuals with 104 (45.8%) reported
having been involved in high risk sexual behaviour.
More methamphetamine than heroin subjects agreed that their sexual thoughts,
feelings and behaviours were often associated with
the drug (p<0.05).
Methamphetamine subjects agreed that the use of methamphetamine caused them to
be more obsessed with sex and they found themselves to be preoccupied with
sexual thoughts while being under the influence of the drug (p<0.05).
Heroin subjects mainly reported on negative effects of the drug on their sexual behaviour. Methamphetamine subjects reported that the
use of drug had positively affected their sexual interest and drive (p<0.05).
Methamphetamine subjects were also 1.97 times more likely than heroin subjects
to be involved in risky sexual behaviour. The results
of this study can be utilized to improve the drug treatment and rehabilitation programme. Methamphetamine subjects were more likely than
heroin subjects to be involved in risky sexual behaviour.
Keywords: Heroin; Malaysian community; methamphetamine; sexual behavior
Kajian ini
adalah bertujuan
untuk menghuraikan pola tingkah laku
seksual dalam
kalangan pesakit lelaki yang mengalami ketagihan metamfetamin dan heroin. Kajian menghuraikan aspek
pola tingkah
laku seksual berdasarkan
kehendak seks
dan obsesi dalam
konteks penyalahgunaan
dadah. Kajian hirisan lintang
ini dijalankan
dalam kalangan peserta program rehabilitasi
dadah di Kota Kinabalu, Kota
Bharu dan Kuala Lumpur.
Semua subjek kajian tinggal
dalam masyarakat
dengan fungsi psikososial
yang baik. Kajian ini
adalah berdasarkan
kepada keputusan soal selidik kelakuan
seks nilai
sendiri dan diikuti
dengan sesi
temu bual. Seramai 227
subjek telah mengambil
bahagian dengan
seramai 124 (54.6%) orang menyalahgunakan
metamfetamin sementara
103 (45.4%) menyalahgunakan heroin.
daripada subjek (218; 96%) merupakan golongan heteroseksual dengan seramai 104 (45.8%) orang melaporkan
yang mereka terlibat
dalam aktiviti seksual yang berisiko tinggi. Lebih ramai subjek yang mengambil dadah metamfetamin berbanding heroin
melaporkan bahawa pemikiran, perasaan dan tingkah laku
seks mereka
dipengaruhi oleh dadah (p<0.05).
yang menyalahgunakan metamfetamin
melaporkan bahawa
mereka lebih obses
tentang seks
dan mendapati pemikiran
mereka lebih
cenderung memikirkan ke arah seks
(p<0.05). Subjek yang menyalahgunakan
heroin pula melaporkan kesan
negatif dadah
terhadap tingkah laku seksual. Subjek metamfetamin melaporkan penyalahgunaan dadah memberi kesan positif
terhadap keinginan
dan kemahuan seks
mereka (p<0.05).
yang menyalahgunakan metamfetamin
berisiko sebanyak
1.97 kali berbanding penagih
heroin untuk terlibat dalam aktiviti seks yang berisiko tinggi. Hasil keputusan kajian
amat penting
untuk digunakan sebagai usaha untuk
perawatan pesakit
yang menagih dadah dan
dalam program rehabilitasi.
yang menyalahgunakan metamfetamin
terdedah kepada
aktiviti seks yang berisiko tinggi.
Kata kunci: Heroin;
komuniti Malaysia; metamfetamin; tingkah laku
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