Sains Malaysiana 42(1)(2013):
Pattern of Caries and Gingivitis in a Selected Population of
Schoolchildren Aged 9 to 11 Years
(Corak Kejadian Karies dan Penyakit Gusi dalam Kalangan Populasi
Kanak-kanak Sekolah Terpilih Berumur 9 hingga 11 Yahun)
Syarida Hasnur Safii*
of Oral Pathology, Oral Medicine & Periodontology, Faculty of Dentistry
of Malaya, 50603 Kuala Lumpur
Lily Azura Shoaib & Halimah Awang
Department of Children Dentistry & Orthodontics, Faculty
of Dentistry, University of Malaya
50603 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Diserahkan: 17 November 2011/Diterima: 15 Julai 2012
The objectives of this study were to determine the prevalence of
caries and gingivitis in a selected population of schoolchildren
and to examine the relationship between prevalence of the diseases
with their oral health behaviours. A total of 39 subjects, aged
nine to 11 years, from 147 schoolchildren of a private school in
Selangor, Malaysia were examined by two calibrated examiners trained
in their own field. The subjects were interviewed using structured
questionnaires. Erupted first permanent molars and permanent anterior
teeth were examined. Dental caries, Plaque Score and Gingival Index
were recorded. Descriptive statistics using frequency distribution
were used to analyse the data. Forty-one percent of the subjects
presented with more than 75% of total plaque accumulation. Prevalence
of caries and gingivitis for the subject population was 18.0% and
31.0%, respectively. Caries was found on both the smooth (buccal/lingual/palatal)
and occlusal surfaces. Gingivitis, diagnosed around 31.6% of teeth,
was found more on the incisors (16.9%) than molars (14.7%). A relatively
higher distribution of gingivitis was found on labial aspect of
the incisors (5.5%) and palatal/ lingual aspect of the molars (4.7%).
The prevalence of caries and gingivitis in this selected population
was low. Certain dentition sites were more susceptible to dental
caries and gingivitis. Good tooth brushinghabits and regular visits
to the dentists do not guarantee the efficacy of plaque removal.
Keywords: Caries pattern; gingivitis; oral health behaviour; plaque;
Objektif kajian ini adalah untuk menentukan kadar kejadian karies
dan penyakit gusi dalam kalangan populasi pelajar sekolah yang telah dikenal
pasti dan mengkaji hubung kait antara kadar kejadian penyakit-penyakit tersebut
dengan tabiat penjagaan kesihatan mulut . Sebanyak 39
subjek daripada 147 pelajar sebuah sekolah rendah persendirian di Selangor,
Malaysia yang berumur antara 9 dan 11 tahun telah diperiksa oleh dua orang
penyelidik yang telah dikalibrasi dan terlatih dalam bidang masing-masing. Subjek ditemu bual menggunakan borang kaji selidik. Gigi molar kekal pertama dan gigi kekal anterior yang telah tumbuh
sempurna diperiksa. Karies, skor plak dan indeks
kesihatan gusi direkodkan. Statistik deskriptif
menggunakan taburan frekuensi digunakan untuk menganalisis pengalaman karies,
skor plak dan indeks kesihatan gusi. Empat puluh satu
peratus subjek mempunyai plak melebihi 75% jumlah keseluruhan pengumpulan plak
pada permukaan gigi yang direkodkan. Kadar kejadian karies bagi
keseluruhan subjek adalah 18.0% manakala kadar kejadian gingivitis adalah 31.0%. Karies direkodkan melibatkan
permukaan licin (bukal/ lingual/ palatal) dan oklusal. Sebanyak 31.6% gusi mengalami gingivitis dengan gigi insisor
(16.9%) mendahului berbanding gigi geraham (14.7%). Secara
relatifnya, taburan gingivitis lebih tinggi pada aspek labial gigi insisor (5.5%)
dan aspek palatal/ lingual gigi geraham (4.7%). Kesimpulannya, kadar kejadian karies dan gingivitis dalam populasi terpilih
ini adalah rendah. Sesetengah kawasan gigi lebih cenderung
kepada karies dan gingivitis. Tabiat memberus gigi
yang baik dan pemeriksaan gigi secara berkala didapati bukan penentu kepada
keberkesanan membersihkan plak daripada permukaan gigi.
Kata kunci: Corak karies; gingivitis; memberus
gigi; plak; tabiat kesihatan mulut
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