Sains Malaysiana 43(2)(2014): 303–312
of Geometrically Cubical Shaped Aggregate on the Engineering Properties
Porous Asphalt
(Kesan Agregat Berbentuk Kubus Secara Geometri ke atas Sifat
Kejuruteraan Asfalt Berliang)
1School of Civil Engineering, Universiti Sains Malaysia,
Engineering Campus
14300 Nibong Tebal, Pulau Pinang, Malaysia
Malaysia, 25, Kenyalang Park Shopping Centre
Box 952, 93720 Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia
of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Michigan Technological University
Townsend Drive, Houghton, MI 49931-1295, USA
6 November 2012/Diterima: 2 Mei 2013
Porous asphalt (PA) is predominantly made up of
coarse aggregates. The coarse aggregate is instrumental in providing the
strength and stability of the mix. The aggregate properties including shape is
expected to greatly influence the performance of PA.
In this study, five different proportions of geometrically cubical shaped (GCS)
aggregate and normal shape aggregate combinations were introduced and
designated as mix M0, M25, M50, M75 and M100. Further laboratory tests were
carried out to determine the properties of PA including
air voids, coefficient of permeability, abrasion loss, indirect tensile
strength, resilient modulus and resistance to permanent deformation. The
results obtained showed that mix M100 which consists of 100% GCS aggregate
performed the best in all tests. Statistical analyses of one-way ANOVA and Duncan’s Post Hoc test results showed that the introduction
of GCS aggregate has a significant effect on air voids,
coefficient of permeability, abrasion loss and resistance to permanent
deformation of the mixes. However, the results showed that GCS aggregate
do not gave significant effect on indirect tensile strength and resilient
modulus of the PA mixes tested.
Keywords: Abrasion loss; air voids; geometrically cubical
aggregate; indirect tensile strength; permanent deformation; permeability;
porous asphalt; resilient modulus
Asfalt berliang (PA) kebanyakannya terdiri
daripada agregat kasar. Agregat kasar memainkan peranan penting dalam
membekalkan kekuatan dan kestabilan campuran. Ciri agregat termasuk bentuk
agregat, dijangka mempengaruhi prestasi campuran PA.
Dalam kajian ini, lima peratusan kandungan berbeza agregat geometri berbentuk
kubik (GCS) dan kombinasi agregat berbentuk normal telah dikaji
dan dinamakan sebagai campuran M0, M25, M50, M75 dan M100. Ujian makmal telah dijalankan
untuk menentukan sifat PA termasuk lompang udara, pekali
kebolehtelapan, kehilangan lelasan, kekuatan tegangan tidak langsung, modulus
kebingkasan dan rintangan terhadap ubah bentuk kekal. Keputusan yang diperoleh menunjukkan
bahawa campuran M100 yang terdiri daripada 100%
agregat GCS adalah yang terbaik bagi semua ujian yang dijalankan.
Analisis statistik ANOVA sehala dan ujian Duncan Post Hoc
menunjukkan bahawa agregat GCS memberikan kesan yang besar
terhadap lompang udara, pekali kebolehtelapan, kehilangan lelasan dan rintangan
kepada ubah bentuk kekal campuran PA. Walau bagaimanapun,
keputusan menunjukkan bahawa agregat GCS tidak memberi kesan yang
signifikan terhadap kekuatan tegangan tidak langsung dan modulus kebingkasan
campuran PA yang diuji.
Kata kunci: Agregat berbentuk kubus secara geometri; asfalt
berliang; kebolehtelapan, kehilangan lelasan; kekuatan tegangan tak langsung;
modulus kebingkasan; rongga udara; ubah bentuk kekal
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