Sains Malaysiana 44(1)(2015): 31–40


Biological Aspects of the Critically Endangered Fish, Labeo boga in the Ganges River, Northwestern Bangladesh

(Aspek Biologi Ikan Terancam Kritikal, Labeo boga di dalam Sungai Ganges, Barat Laut Bangladesh)





Department of Fisheries, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Rajshahi, Rajshahi 6205



Diserahkan: 27 Februari 2013/Diterima: 14 Jun 2014



The present study reports the first complete and inclusive description of some biological parameters including length-frequency distribution (LFD), sex ratio (SR), length-weight relationship (LWR), condition factors (allometric, KA; Fulton’s, KF; relative, KR and relative weight, WR) and form factor (a3.0) of Labeo boga in the Ganges River, northwestern Bangladesh. Sampling was conducted using traditional fishing gears during April 2011 to March 2012. For each specimen, total length (TL) was measured to the nearest 0.01 cm using digital slide calipers and total body weight (BW) was measured using an electronic balance with 0.01 g accuracy. The LWR was calculated using the expression: W= a Lb, where W is the BW and L is the TL. A total of 211 specimens ranging from 9.78-27.50 cm TL and 10.00 to 276.10 g BW were studied. BW of females was significantly higher than that of males (Mann-Whitney U-test, p>0.001). However the overall sex ratio did not differ significantly from the expected value of 1:1 (χ2 = 0.12, p<0.05). The calculated b for the LWR indicated isometric growth (» 3.00) in males, females and combined gender and there were significant differences in the intercepts but not in the slopes between the sexes of  L. boga in the Ganges River. KF of females was significantly higher than that for males (p<0.001). In addition, the Wilcoxon signed rank test showed that the WR did not differ from 100 for males and females in this study indicating good condition of habitat for L. boga. The results of this study would be an effective tool for fishery specialists to initiate early management strategies and regulations for the sustainable management of the remaining stocks of this species within the Padma River and surrounding ecosystems.


Keywords: Condition; conservation; Ganges; Labeo boga; Length-weight relationship



Kajian ini melaporkan huraian lengkap dan terangkum pertama beberapa parameter biologi termasuk taburan panjang frekuensi (LFD), nisbah jantina (SR) hubungan panjang-berat (LWR), faktor keadaan (alometrik, KA; Fulton, KF; relatif, KR dan berat relatif, WR) serta faktor bentuk (a3.0) Labeo boga di dalam Ganges Sungai, Barat Laut Bangladesh. Pensampelan dijalankan menggunakan peralatan tradisi menangkap ikan sepanjang April 2011 hingga Mac 2012. Bagi setiap spesimen, jumlah panjang (TL) dikira ke 0.01 cm terdekat menggunakan slaid angkup digital dan berat keseluruhan badan (BW) diukur menggunakan penimbang elektronik dengan 0.01 g ketepatan. LWR dikira menggunakan ungkapan: W= a Lb, dengan W adalah BW dan L adalah TL. Sebanyak 211 spesimen antara 9.78-27.50 cm TL dan 10.00 ke 276.10 g BW telah dikaji. BW betina adalah lebih tinggi daripada jantan (U-ujian Mann-Whitney, p>0.001), walau bagaimanapun, nisbah jantina keseluruhan pula tidak berbeza secara signifikan daripada nilai dijangka 1:1 (χ2 = 0.12, p<0.05). Kiraan b untuk LWR menunjukkan pertumbuhan isometrik (» 3.00) pada jantan, betina dan gabungan jantina serta terdapat perbezaan signifikan dalam pintasan tersebut tetapi tidak di cerun antara jantina L. boga di dalam Sungai Ganges. KF betina adalah lebih tinggi daripada jantan (p<0.001). Disamping itu, pangkat uji bertanda Wilcoxon menunjukkan bahawa WR tidak berbeza daripada 100 untuk jantan dan betina dalam kajian ini dan menunjukkan keadaan yang baik untuk habitat L. boga. Keputusan kajian ini boleh menjadi alat yang berkesan untuk pakar perikanan memulakan strategi awal pengurusan dan peraturan bagi pengurusan yang mampan untuk stok spesies ini di dalam Sungai Padma dan ekosistem persekitaran.


Kata kunci: Ganges; keadaan; Labeo boga; hubungan panjang-berat; pemuliharaan




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