Sains Malaysiana 44(2)(2015): 301–308


Modeling of the Dissolution Kinetics of Arbutus Wild Berries-Based Tablets as Evaluated

by Electric Conductivity

(Permodelan Pembubaran Kinetik Arbutus Beri Liar Berasaskan Tablet Dinilai oleh

Kekonduksian Elektrik)




Research Laboratory in Food Technology (LRTA), Faculty of Engineering Science

University M'hamed Bougara of Boumerdès, 35000 Boumerdès, Algeria



Diserahkan: 23 April 2013/Diterima: 5 Ogos 2014



Lyophilized powder (LP) from Algerian arbutus wild berries (Arbutus unedo L.) was obtained. This present paper reports about the dissolution (releasing) properties of LP-based tablets, evaluated through the electric conductivity (EC) of distilled water which is employed as surrounding medium, at three different temperatures (291, 298 and 309 K). In addition to this, secondary physicochemical characteristics such as elementary analysis, color and compressibility were evaluated. Regarding the modeling of ionic transfer, among the three tested models, namely Peleg, Singh et al. and Singh and Kulshestha, the latter seems to be the most appropriate (R2 = 0.99), particularly in the case of compacted tablets under 2000 Pa. The temperature dependence of the dissolution process was also studied applying Arrhenius equation (R2>0.8) which allowed to deduce the activation energy, ranging from 18.7 to 21.4 kJ.mol-1 according to the model and compression force employed.


Keywords: Arbutus wild berries (Arbutus unedo L.); dissolution; electric conductivity; powder; tablet



Serbuk lyophilized (LP) dari Arbutus beri liar Algeria (Arbutus unedo L.) telah diperoleh. Kertas ini melaporkan tentang sifat pembubaran (pelepasan) tablet berasaskan LP, dinilai melalui kekonduksian elektrik (EC) air suling yang digunakan sebagai medium kelilling, pada 3 suhu yang berbeza (291, 298 dan 309 K). Di samping itu, ciri fizikokimia sekunder seperti analisis asas, warna dan kadar mampatan telah dinilai. Mengenai model pemindahan ionik, antara tiga model yang diuji ialah Peleg, Singh et al. dan Singh dan Kulshestha, dengan yang terakhir paling sesuai (R2 = 0,99), terutamanya dalam kes tablet yang dipadatkan di bawah 2000 Pa. Pergantungan suhu dalam proses pembubaran juga dikaji menggunakan persamaan Arrhenius (R2> 0.8) yang dibenarkan untuk menyimpulkan tenaga pengaktifan, antara 18.7 hingga 21.4 kJ.mol-1 mengikut model dan mampatan daya yang digunakan.


Kata kunci: Arbutus beri liar (Arbutus unedo L.); kekonduksian elektrik; pembubaran; serbuk; tablet


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