Sains Malaysiana 45(10)(2016):
Evaluation of Antihyperglycemic
and Antihyperlipidemic Potential of Nelumbo nucifera Seeds
in Diabetic Rats
(Penilaian Potensi Antihiperglisemik
dan Antihiperlipidemik Biji
Nelumbo nucifera dalam Tikus Diabetis)
of Chemistry, University of Science and Technology, Bannu (28100)
2Department of Chemistry, Shaheed
Benazir Bhutto University, Sheringal, Dir (18000) KPK
3Department of Health Sciences, Liberty
University, Lynchburg, VA, United States of America
4Department of Animal Sciences, Quaid-e-Azam
University, Islamabad (41000), Pakistan
Diserahkan: 24 Januari 2016/Diterima:
6 Mac 2016
The present study was aimed
at evaluating antihyperglycemic and antihyperlipidemic activity
of nuciferin and norcoclaurine constituents of N. nucifera seeds, a well-known
medicinal plant. The alloxan (100 mg/kg b.w) induced diabetic
rats (200-250 g) were divided into seven groups (n =
6). Group I; normal control, Group II; diabetic control, Group
III; standard, Group lV-VII were fed with methanolic crude extracts
(100, 200 mg/kg), nuciferin and norcoclaurine (10 mg/kg b.w.),
received for 15 days in dose dependent manner. The study included
different parameters; examination of oral glucose, fasting blood
glucose, serum lipid profile and checking for body weight changes.
In oral glucose examination, within 60 and 80 min of treatment,
extracts, nuciferin and norcoclaurine significantly reduced
blood glucose (p<0.05) and restored body weight in
diabetic rats. Alloxan- induced diabetic rats showed 30-50%
reduction of blood glucose level (p<0.05) and recovered
5-20% body weight at day 15 after ingestion of crude extracts
(100-200 mg/kg b.w.); and nuciferin and norcoclaurine (each
at 10 mg/kg b.w.). It also recovered significantly elevated
biochemical parameters such as triglycerides (TG),
low density lipoprotein (LDL), high density lipoprotein (HDL),
total cholesterol (TC), serum urea and creatinine. Our findings
indicated that N. nucifera seeds possess significant
antihyperglycemic and antihyperlipidemic activity in diabetic
Keywords: Antihyperglycemic;
antihyperlipidemic; norcoclaurine; nuciferin; N.
Penyelidikan ini bertujuan
untuk menilai aktiviti antihiperglisemik dan antihiperlipidemik
juzuk nusiferin dan norkoklaurin biji N. nucifera, tumbuhan ubatan yang terkenal. Aloksan (100 mg/kg
kW) tikus teraruh diabetis (200-250 g) dibahagikan kepada tujuh
Kumpulan (n=6). Kumpulan I; kawalan biasa, Kumpulan II;
kawalan diabetis, Kumpulan III; piawai, Kumpulan IV-VII diberi
makan dengan ekstrak mentah metanolik (100, 200 mg/kg), nusiferin
dan norkoklaurin (10 mg/kg
b.w.), menerima dos secara bersandar selama 15 hari. Kajian
ini merangkumi parameter yang berbeza; pemeriksaan glukosa secara
oral, glukosa darah puasa, profil lipid serum dan pemeriksaan
perubahan berat badan. Dalam tempoh 60 dan 80 min rawatan untuk
pemeriksaan glukosa secara oral, ekstrak, nusiferin dan norkoklaurin telah mengurangkan
glukosa darah (p<0.05) dan memulihkan berat badan
tikus diabetis. Aloksan - tikus teraruh diabetis menunjukkan
30-50% pengurangan paras glukosa darah (p<0.05) dan
mendapat kembali 5-20% berat badan pada hari ke-15 selepas ketakhadaman
ekstrak mentah (100-200 mg/kg b.w.); serta nusiferin dan norkoklaurin (masing-masing
pada 10 mg/kg b.w.). Ia juga dengan ketara mendapat kembali
peningkatan parameter biokimia seperti trigliserida (TG), lipoprotein ketumpatan rendah
(LDL), lipoprotein ketumpatan tinggi (HDL),
jumlah kolesterol (TC), serum urea dan kreatinina. Keputusan kajian
kami menunjukkan bahawa benih N. nucifera mempunyai aktiviti
antihiperglisemik dan antihiperlipidemik yang penting dalam
tikus diabetis.
Kata kunci: Antihiperglisemik; antihiperlipidemik; norkoklaurin; nusiferin; N. nucifera
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