Sains Malaysiana 46(4)(2017): 529–535


Soil Erosion Assessment in Tasik Chini Catchment using Remote Sensing and GIS Techniques

(Penilaian Hakisan Tanih di LembanganTasik Chini menggunakan Teknik Pengesanan Jarak Jauh dan GIS)





School of Environmental & Natural Resource Sciences, Faculty of Science and Technology

Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysian, 43600 Bangi, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia


Diserahkan: 27 Februari 2016/Diterima: 8 September 2016



Over many years, forested land transformation into urban, agriculture and mining areas within Tasik Chini Catchment become more intense. These activities have negatively affected the catchment through soil erosion and increased the amount of sediments that deposited into the lake. Hence, the present study aimed to estimate soil erosion risk within Tasik Chini Catchment integrating the Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE) model and remotely sensed geospatial data. The multispectral imagery from LANDSAT 8 was used to provide up to date information on land cover within the catchment. The result shows the majority of Tasik Chini Catchment is classified at very low class (< 10 ton ha−1 yr−1) about 4835.34 ha (92.38%), followed by the low class (10-50 ton ha−1 yr−1) with total area of 175.47 ha (3.35%), moderate high class (50-100 ton ha−1 yr−1) with total area of 65.11 ha (1.24%), high class (100-150 ton ha−1 yr−1) with total area of 38.37 ha (0.73%) and very high class (> 150 ton ha−1 yr−1) with total area of 120.04 ha (2.30%). Tasik Chini Catchment is very susceptible to soil erosion especially on northwest and southeast regions, where the main sources of soil loss come from the agricultural, new settlements and mining activities. To conclude, the estimation of soil erosion model using remotely sensed data can be used to build sustainable development strategy within Tasik Chini Catchment in the future.


Keywords: LANDSAT 8; NDVI; RUSLE; soil loss; Tasik Chini Catchment



Dalam tempoh masa yang lama, transformasi kawasan hutan di Lembangan Tasik Chini kepada kawasan-kawasan bandar, pertanian dan lombong menjadi lebih giat. Aktiviti-aktiviti ini telah memberi kesan kepada kawasan lembangan tersebut melalui hakisan tanih dan meningkatkan jumlah sedimen yang masuk ke dalam tasik. Oleh itu, kajian ini bertujuan untuk meramalkan risiko hakisan tanih di kawasan Lembangan Tasik Chini menggunakan penggabungan model Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE) dan data georeruang penginderaan jauh. Imej multispektral daripada LANDSAT 8 digunakan untuk memperoleh maklumat terkini mengenai litupan tanah dalam lembangan. Hasil menunjukkan bahawa kebanyakan kawasan di Lembangan Tasik Chini dikelaskan kepada sangat rendah (< 10 ton ha−1 yr−1) sekitar 4835.34 ha (92.38%), diikuti oleh rendah (10-50 ton ha−1 yr−1) sekitar 175.47 ha (3.35%), sederhana tinggi (50-100 ton ha−1 yr−1) sekitar 65.11 ha (1.24%), tinggi (100-150 ton ha−1 yr−1) sekitar 38.37 ha (0.73%) dan kelas sangat tinggi (> 150 ton ha−1 yr−1) sekitar 120.04 ha (2.30%). Lembangan Tasik Chini sangat kritikal kepada hakisan tanih terutama di kawasan-kawasan barat laut dan tenggara, dengan punca utama kehilangan tanih tersebut berasal daripada aktiviti-aktiviti pertanian, perbandaran dan perlombongan. Kesimpulannya, peramalan model hakisan tanih menggunakan data penginderaan jauh dapat digunakan bagi membina strategi pembangunan yang mampan di Lembangan Tasik Chini pada masa hadapan.


Kata kunci: Kehilangan tanih; LANDSAT 8; lembangan Tasik Chini; NDVI; RUSLE


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