Sains Malaysiana 46(4)(2017): 545–551


Condition Index of Meretrix lyrata (Sowerby 1851) and Its Relationship with Water Parameter in Sarawak

(Indeks Keadaan Meretrix lyrata (Sowerby 1851) dan Hubungannya dengan Paramater Air

di Sarawak)




Department of Animal Science and Fishery, Faculty of Agriculture and Food Sciences, Universiti Putra Malaysia Bintulu Sarawak Campus, Nyabau Road, P.O. Box 396, 97008 Bintulu, Sarawak Bumi Kenyalang, Malaysia


Diserahkan: 28 Ogos 2014/Diterima: 10 September 2016



Condition Index (CI) was used to estimate the reproductive biology cycle of the hard clam Meretrix lyrata based on dry body weight and shell weight. High CI value was observed due to the increase in the body weight of the hard clam that corresponding to the maturity stage and early spawning. The CI value of M. lyrata from Buntal Village, Kuching, Sarawak showed three highest peaks during the 12-month study on May and October 2013 and March 2014. The lowest CI values were obtained in September and November 2013 and April 2014. Ammonia nitrogen was the only water parameter that significantly correlated to the CI values. The CI application is important to estimate the maturity of hard clam gonad to facilitate conservation activity through the hard clam harvesting out of the gonad maturation and spawning period.


Keywords: Ammonia; condition Index; gonad maturation; Meretrix lyrata; Sarawak



Indeks keadaan (CI) digunakan untuk menganggar kitaran biologi pembiakan kekima Meretrix lyrata berdasarkan berat badan dan berat cengkerang. Nilai CI yang tinggi adalah disebabkan oleh peningkatan berat badan kekima keras yang sepadan terhadap biologi pembiakan pada peringkat matang dan permulaan bertelur. Nilai CI M. lyrata dari Kampung Buntal, Kuching, Sarawak mempunyai tiga puncak tertinggi dalam tempoh 12 bulan kajian, iaitu pada Mei dan Oktober 2013 serta Mac 2014. Nilai CI terendah diperhatikan pada September dan November 2013 serta April 2014. Hanya parameter air nitrogen ammonia didapati berkait secara ketara dengan nilai CI. Aplikasi CI adalah penting untuk menganggar kematangan gonad kekima keras bagi memudahkan aktiviti pemeliharaan melalui penuaian kekima keras selain daripada masa kematangan gonad dan bertelur.


Kata kunci: Ammonia; indeks keadaan; kematangan gonad; Meretrix lyrata; Sarawak


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